TOS129 Kingdom on Earth as It Is in Heaven

Kingdom on Earth as It Is in Heaven; For audio podcast PPN;

Truth of the Spirit shines the light on the Kingdom on Earth as It Is in Heaven. Trusting the Lord in all things is the key to the kingdom of God. Those who accept God’s grace in fullness bring His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. The physical Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist brought the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. St. Cyprian said: “It may even be . . . that the Kingdom of God means Christ himself.” The truth will set free those imprisoned by the darkness of sin. The Father sent His Son as the rescuer. Presented by host Patti Brunner.

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TOS114 Finding the Scripture in the Eucharist (Mass)

Finding the Scripture in the Eucharist (Mass) ; For audio only PPN

Truth of the Spirit 
with Patti Brunner shares “Finding the Scripture in the Eucharist’. She points out some Old Testament characters and various passages from the Bible that have found their way into the Eucharistic Celebration of the Mass.

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TOS088 Songs of Meaning in the Mass

For audio only PPN

Join Patti Brunner for the Truth of the Spirit’s “Songs of Meaning in the Mass” The sacred music sung during a Eucharistic Celebration “is not an accessory or embellishment of the liturgy, but is the liturgy itself.”   The ancient songs of scripture: ‘Holy, Holy’, ‘Glory to God in the Highest’ and Psalms are offered as proclamation and prayer; music joined to the Word of God is meant to draw people into an encounter with the living Word of God, who is Christ.  Music is a gift of God that opens for us a glimpse of God’s glory.  Sacred song “cooperates in nourishing and expressing the faith and, therefore, in glorifying God and sanctifying the faithful.”  When you hear singing during the Mass, it is never “filler” or a time to let yourself to be distracted.  It is always a key moment of the liturgy.

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TOS059 Basics of Real Presence

TOS059 Basics of Faith VII: Real Presence of the Eucharist For audio  TOS059: Basics of Faith VII – Basics of the Real Presence | Listen Notes

Join Patti Brunner and Truth of the Spirit to explore Basics of Faith with the Basics of the Real Presence in the Eucharist. The Real Presence of the risen Christ in the Eucharist is beyond our understanding. It is an inexhaustible mystery. Yet the infallible teaching authority of the Catholic Church has proclaimed it for nearly 2000 years because God reveals his truth to us in ways that we can understand through the gift of faith and the grace of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. Jesus Christ is present body, soul and divinity in the Eucharist under the appearances of bread and wine. The doctrine of the Real Presence is found in the sixth chapter of John’s gospel where Jesus, himself, teaches about the Eucharist and about faith. We are not the only ones who need faith to accept the truth about the Real Presence; even Jesus’ own disciples needed it.

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TOS057 Basics of the Paschal Mystery

TOS057 Basics of Faith V: Basics of the Paschal Mystery For audio TOS057: Basics of Faith V – Basics of the Paschal Mystery | Listen Notes

What does the Paschal Mystery mean for us? Each person’s life is intimately affected. Join Patti Brunner and Truth of the Spirit to explore Basics of Faith with the Basics of the Paschal Mystery. Each of the Gospel writers agree: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again. Baptism is the incorporation into the life of the risen Christ. The suffering servant, Christ, can relate to all suffering by mankind. The kingdom on earth as it is in heaven is shown to us with the glorification of Christ’s body at the resurrection from the dead. Salvation is the gift of the paschal mystery.

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TOS055 Basics of Mass Posture

TOS055 Basics of Faith III: Basics of Mass Posture For audio TOS055: Basics of Faith III – Basics of Mass Posture | Listen Notes

Join Patti Brunner and Truth of the Spirit to explore Basics of Faith with the Basics to Mass Posture. Most Catholics have been standing or sitting or kneeling at Mass for all of their lives, moving in unison with all around them. If you are new to the Catholic Church, it can be a bit overwhelming. In this episode Patti Brunner will point out the various postures that flow during the Mass and share why each posture and move is important. One of the goals of the Truth of the Spirit podcasts is to remind you of the Spirit filled facets of our Christian faith, sometimes returning to the basics to allow you better access to teachings and actions of those inspired by the Holy Spirit.

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TOS043 Sacraments –Eucharist with Patti Brunner

TOS043 Sacraments–The Eucharist with Patti Brunner 

For audio TOS043: The Sacraments – The Eucharist – Truth of the Spirit (podcast) | Listen Notes

Join Patti Brunner for Truth of the Spirit and completion of the series “The Eucharist and Other Sacraments” to find the connection of the power signs from God called Sacraments.  The Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” “The other sacraments, and indeed all ecclesiastical ministries and works of the apostolate, are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented toward it.”

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TOS028 Public Prayer—The Mass with Patti Brunner

TOS028 Public Prayer – The Mass with Patti Brunner  for audio: TOS028: Public Prayer – The Mass – Truth of the Spirit (podcast) | Listen Notes   

Patti Brunner is the speaker in this episode of Truth of the Spirit as the series on prayer continues.  Prayer is communication with the Lord.  This series on Prayer-Reaching Out to God is exploring various ways we use prayer to grow closer to God and how prayer can assist us in our faith journey.  Now you must see that during Mass God reaches out to you!  Heaven comes to earth for the intimate moment of the Consecration and Communion.  Also, God is uniquely with you in the readings.  How is this prayer?  Intertwining our beings –human being and God–joined together in eternity is possible only when both reach toward each other.  The words of the Mass, the prayers said by God’s ordained priest on your behalf and the prayers you join together to say each have purpose and meaning.

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TOS032 Season of Living Bread

TOS032 Season of Living Bread with Patti Brunner and Msgr. David LeSieur  for audio: TOS032: Season of Living Bread – Truth of the Spirit (podcast) | Listen Notes

(audio + slides)

Summary  Truth of the Spirit episode TOS032 Season of Living Bread. Join Patti Brunner as she welcomes Msgr. David LeSieur in a broadcast of Living Seasons of Change. They discuss the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.  In the Season of Living Bread we find the truth of the Living Word—the sacrifice shared; the nourishment for the journey into the kingdom, and the fullness of the Presence of God.  In John 6: 51 Jesus says, “I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any one eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh.”  Jesus gave himself for our life, and for our ongoing nourishment in the form of the Eucharist.  It is through the Eucharist that we too, can receive the same living bread made present at the Last Supper.  This episode discusses the Church’s liturgical scriptural readings from 18-21st Sundays of Ordinary Time Year B which focus on the Gospel of John Chapter 6.

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