TOS026 Prayer- Protection, Deliverance, and Cleansing with Sheila Canup

TOS026 Protection, Deliverance, and Cleansing Prayer with Sheila Canup  for audio: TOS026: Protection, Deliverance, and Cleansing Prayer | Listen Notes

Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner welcomes Sheila Canup for the series on Prayer-Reaching Out to God.  As Sheila teaches on Deliverance, Protection and Cleansing Prayer, she shares her “on the job training” deliverance experiences.  Unless you know your authority in Christ and are sure of the Holy Spirit’s power working in you leave it alone!  Because like the woman sweeping her house and had it all cleaned out of spirits, and did not fill it, seven more came back.  But sometimes when we are praying for people deliverance prayer becomes necessary.  When it does, we need to know what and how to minister in the area of healing and releasing.   We have all had something that had to be taken out of us that we didn’t know was there.  We’ve been affected by childhood traumas and just life in general by people we are around, by literally being unaware that spirits can come within us.  Now, we are not talking about possession.     We are talking about oppressed, being attacked by demonic forces as when prayer for inner healing seems to accomplish nothing—the “constant loser” script, falling back into the same thing over and over and over. 

The Gift of Discernment is really necessary with deliverance.  Prayer for deliverance is directed towards the opposing demons, oppressing demons—not at you!  Demons cannot stand against the authority or the name of Jesus.  Philippians 2:10 “Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.”  That means the demons have to, too.  Pray for the protection of the Blood of Jesus. 


Welcome to Truth of the Spirit.  I’m Patti Brunner.  The Patriarch House Team has joined us to explore various types of prayer available in our faith journey to grow closer to God.  This talk is the first of a series on Prayer-Reaching Out to God. 

In this episode we welcome Sheila Canup as she teaches about “Protection, Deliverance, and Cleansing Prayer” and shares her personal experiences with deliverance prayer. 

For more information on deliverance prayer we recommend these books:  Spiritual Warfare Prayers, Unbound- A Practical Guide to Deliverance by Neal Lozano, Deliverance Prayers –for Use by the Laity, and Deliverance Ministry  from the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services Doctrinal Commission.   And for more information about protection from spiritual attacks, be sure and check out our series on the Armor of God, Episodes 15 to 23.  Now, please welcome Sheila Canup.

 “This was a hard one.  As I was telling Patti, and Kandi and Lissa know, we have had quite a year.  It’s been nothing but attack on us, on our family, demonic attacks—things that are not always the ordinary.  So it’s just been a confusing thing. So when I put this together, it’s calling for protection, deliverance and cleansing.  Each one of these could be a full thing, so I took all this to the Blessed Sacrament, we went to Holy Hour the other night, and as I was sitting there I realized how confused I was.  I couldn’t get anything to work.  And I realized that the Spirit of Confusion had really muddled my brain.  Out loud we prayed before the Blessed Sacrament to just bind and cast that Spirit of Confusion out and within five minutes the Lord gave me a plan.  He said, “Take all of this and put it in a stew pot just like you make a stew, put it all together in one wad.”  So that is what I have done.

“What I am talking about tonight is protection, deliverance, cleansing.  Deliverance is not a part of ministry that I think we particularly go in and ask for.  It is a difficult ministry.  It is one that takes a lot of trust and a lot of faith.  But sometimes when we are praying for people it becomes necessary.  When it does we need to know what and  how to minister in the area of healing and releasing.  But unless you know your authority in Christ and are sure of the Holy Spirit’s power working in you leave it alone!  Because like the woman sweeping her house and had it all cleaned out of spirits and did not fill it seven more came back.  So those things can come back on you if you do not have that faith and authority.  Because then you are in worse shape that the ones you pray for.  There are steps to take.  First, before prayer for anyone or anything do a covering prayer.  And that is to cover yourself with the Blood of Jesus, the Word of God, the Name of Jesus.  Cover yourself, your family, your possessions, those you are praying for.  Be covered! Be covered by the Blood of Jesus.   Put on the Armor of God.  We just did a whole series  on the Armor of God and how powerful it is!  We’ve got to keep the armor.  And that is something we should do every day anyway, the Blood of Jesus and the armor.   Seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance.  Many times you will discern quickly that there is an evil spirit present and the person you are praying over may not be able to know that; it will simply be discerned.  You are prepared now.

We are looking at freeing a person who is oppressed by evil spirits.  We have all had something that had to be taken out of us that we didn’t know was there.  We’ve been affected by childhood and just life in general by people we are around, by literally being unaware that spirits can come within us.  Now, we are not talking about possessed.     We are talking about oppressed, being attacked by demonic forces.  An indication that deliverance is needed is when a person tries over a period of time tries to change but they are unable to.  A compulsion is so strong—that’s one of the indications that demonic forces are the influence.  Another way, a person who asks for prayer who knows the problem is demonic as well as you do.     And they may not want to do the work to get rid of it.  They want you to do it.  That’s why it is so important that you, as a prayer, surrender, and the person you are praying for surrenders.  If prayer for inner healing seems to accomplish nothing—the constant loser script, falling back into the same thing over and over and over.  The gift of discernment is really necessary with deliverance.  Prayer for deliverance is directed towards the opposing demons, oppressing demons—not at you!  It’s the demons, it’s the spirits.  It’s a command.  Acts 16:18 says,  “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” Jesus said.  Ideally, the prayer should be private; you can take a person aside.  If it is done with a team,  there will usually be one who is better trained, and more spiritually equipped with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and you will just be a supporting prayer.  The actual pray command from Luke 10:17 “Lord, even the demons are subject to us because of your name.”   That name gives you all authority.  The name of Jesus “in His Name” gives you all authority.  He [demon] cannot stand against the authority or the name.  Philippians 2:10 “Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.”  That means the demons have to, too.  As we just said, pray for the protection of the Blood.  Forces are to be bound and loosed; they cannot resist.  Now, that’s a command, an authority.  You bind those spirits; you bind their power. 

Every night before anyone walks through the door of Patriarch House for ministry,  we have already covered with the Blood of Jesus, we have prayed that no spirits could come anywhere in this place to disrupt or cause a problem.

 Ordinarily, seek to find out the demon you are driving out.  Sometimes you already know, if you know the person, sometimes.  Then you send them straight to Jesus, that He might dispose of them.  There are seven ways to  determine the need for deliverance.  Demons are evil personalities—they are spirit beings.   Just as there are spirits in the heavenly realm that are our angels, there are spirit beings built of evil, evil personalities.  They are enemies of God and especially of man.  If they can destroy you–that’s their greatest joy before God.  Their objective in human beings: they are to tempt, deceive, accuse, condemn, pressure you, defile you, resist, oppose, control, and what does an enemy come to do? “Steal, kill, and destroy”.   Demons will enter through any open door in your life.  These doors are opened by us through sin –of omission or commission.  They may be opened by others, especially by coming from a bad childhood, parents who are not good guardians for you.  They could come from a teacher, from anywhere, openings for the demons to come in to give you all the grief they can.   Doors can be opened through inheritance, as far back as our great-grandparents.  And I think even further than that.  Especially if any were involved in Satan’s supernatural works of fortune-telling or spiritualism.  Now, my momma’s family was Primitive Baptists.  All her brothers became very wealthy men and they joined the Masons.  They were asked to because they were businessmen.   They were in the oil business.  And two of them did, thinking, “This will be a way to boost our business!”  And those two uncles were not in too long before they began to research and began to find out what it was all about.  They got out!  But I did not find out about this Masonic connection until maybe six or seven years ago.  And we went into breaking any of that off of our family, off of us, off of even our ancestors, off our children, off of our grandchildren, as far as we could go, as many generations that we knew.  The presence and activities of these evil spirits need to be determined by discernment–you’ll find all of this in First Corinthians 12 “discerning of spirits”—by two or more of the usual means of detection.  You will see symptoms of the indwelling spirits.  There will sometimes be disturbances in the emotions which persist and continue to occur.  Some of the most common disturbances are:  resentment–and, I don’t know but I’ll admit it, I’ve been through that–and anger, and hatred and fear and rejection and everyone I can mention here.  Sometime or another we are going to feel bad, feeling unwanted or unloved, self-pity, jealousy, depression, worry, inferiority, insecurity, stubbornness, and rebellion.      

My mother had a rebellious spirit.  I didn’t realize that either until about ten years ago, when we broke that.  That rebellious spirit –people will say “well, she is just a strong woman”—no there is rebellion there.  There are just things that happen that opens just a crack and that is all he needs is a crack.  He’s (Satan) not looking for a fully open door.  He’ll stick his little finger in there and keep prying and digging at you and picking at you until you are full blown in it and don’t know it, into unforgiveness is one of the worse, disturbances in the mind or the thought life, such as procrastination, not able to make a decision, compromising, confusion –which I went through Tuesday—doubt, skepticism,  rationalism for what we want to do and why its ok, loss of memory, outburst or uncontrolled use of the tongue, which do not reflect the desire or nature of the person.  These include lying, cursing, criticism, mockery, railing, and gossip.

Now, I’m going to tell you two stories.  One, my husband doesn’t even know.  Because, at the time this happened, before 1985, because he came into the Church in 1985, it was in the early 80’s.  And I was just on fire.  Kandy was one of my teachers and I was just on fire.  I was blest enough that they asked me to join a little prayer group that met on Tuesday morning with women in town, several women.  And I was just in the glory!    I was in the honeymoon time of being with the Holy Spirit.  I’m on the patio, late afternoon in Springdale, shade trees, I had my bible, I had my journal, I took my phone outside and plugged it in—there were no cell phones then—and I had a Coors (beer) in a coolie, just enjoying my day, and all of a sudden, I have this tremendous urge and sound in my mind, “Get up and go into the house—go to the closet and get the gun.”  And I thought, “Where in the world is this coming from?  I am as happy as a clam!”   “Get up, go into the house, go to the closet and get the gun.”  Well, I knew what it meant.  And I was literally terrified to move.  I was terrified to stand up.  And I prayed and I prayed and I prayed.  I finally picked up the phone.  I couldn’t get Kandy, I got Venita, and she talked to me and told me how to do self-deliverance.   That was the first time I had ever heard of deliverance or being able to do it yourself.  And I did.  It has never returned.  But those are things the enemy will bring upon you.  I don’t know what opening there was for him there, I don’t know what it was. 

And then one time we were at a retreat at Little Portion.  I was rooming with Leslie, a woman from Kansas City, a funny, great woman; I loved her laughing and just having a great time.  And the retreat master said, –we were being taught counseling, we were being taught  deliverance, we were being taught exactly what we are going through here.  And she asked for a volunteer.  My roommate volunteered.  And she sat her in the middle.  And the retreat master was facing her and holding her hands and we were all around her in our chairs.   She began to pray over her and all of a sudden, this woman’s eyes slit—I mean, literally the irises of her eyes slit like snake eyes.  And what was coming out of her mouth was very guttural, very foul, and I watched this retreat master named Faye never missed a beat.  It was a surprise that it happened but she never missed a beat.  She knew her authority, she knew the Blood, she knew the Name and she knew what to do, and that’s what we learned.  And that thing came roaring out.  And Leslie, more or less, just collapsed in a puddle.  All of a sudden it was gone.  And she has no memory of that.  She has never had a memory of any of that happening.  But later she confessed to being molested as a teenager by her father.  And that is when the thing had come in.  So, you never really know.  Recurring unclean thoughts and acts regarding sex , fantasy sex, perversions, homosexuality, incest. 

Another it was our insurance man and his wife were friends of ours,  we had gone out dancing and other things, out to eat, with the gang, and he  and his wife began to have marital problems, big time marital problems.  And they came and asked us if we would pray with them, for them.   We went to our prayer room, we were still in Springdale, and we sat down and started to pray over them.  And we could see, his eyes were closed but his shoulders, he began to get extremely tense, his jaw got really tight.  When you are praying over people you don’t need to have your eyes shut when this kind of thing is going on.  You need to have your eyes open to see what you are seeing if there are changes so you will know.  He is doing this and immediately I looked at Jim and he is looking at me and we knew immediately this was a pornographic spirit.  He was addicted to pornography.  That was what was wrong with his marriage.  We called that thing out.  And he slumped; it was like a great release.  It was gone.  Within a year he let it back in.    He lost his marriage, he lost his family.  He now has ALS.  His wife died several years ago in a very crippling rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and all kinds of physical ailments that she had never had before.  That’s what the enemy can do for you.  Addictions—the most common addiction is nicotine, alcohol, drugs, caffeine, food.  That doesn’t mean you can’t take a drink or a medication.  Or that if you drink coffee there is a problem.  We’re talking about the constant, constant, can’t live without it.  Can’t do without it.  You can also be addicted to people or a person.  Bodily afflictions and most physical infirmities are  due to  spirits of infirmity.  When the demon is cast out there is often a need for healing of whatever damage has resulted.   

My momma was Catholic, she was a convert.  Her Baptist background was: If my momma had it, I had it, you are going to have it.  Most of my life she told me anytime something hurt in my adult life, “Well, you’re just going to have rheumatoid arthritis like the rest of us.  I didn’t know all this.  I listened to her.  “You are just going to be like the rest of us.  You are just going to have to take aspirin all the time like the rest of us.     

You are going to have joint pain.”  And I guess, in the 1980’s when all this was hitting me, she said this to me.  This was after my father died.  I said, “No, I will not!”  And she said, “Yes, you will!”  And I said, “No, I will not, Mom!”   Well, I already had it here and there, but it stopped!  It stopped.  Now I still have a touch of it, but nothing like the rest of the family had.  It just matter of what we hear and accept, what we listen to.  So I am saying, once the demon is cast out, it’s like the demon cancer with me,   once it was cast out, I still needed treatment, but I had been healed already.  That’s a wonderful story too. 

There is also a close relationship between deliverance and healing.  A lot of times, being delivered of things will relieve headaches, or deep muscle stress.  These are generational curses and there are more than just the illnesses. 

Religious error:  involvement in any degree can open the door for demons.  Certain objects, literature, TV programs, movies.  Sources of religious error have been known to attract many demons.  I know a lot of people who travel will bring home things from overseas, little Buddha’s, little things like that, little crystals.  These are all new age, these are all false gods.  You do not need them in your home.  Clean them out; get rid of them.  So, art, even.  Yoga—it’s a big deal anymore.  Many of our Catholic churches are using their halls for yoga classes because they are good exercise.  And I said to a very spiritual friend of mine who is in yoga classes, who knows all this as well as I know it, I said, “Do you know what you are doing?  This is not good; you don’t need to be in this class.”  She answered, “Oh, its ok.  It’s been approved here in the parish.  It’s really good.  It helps me to stretch.”  I said, “You know all those different poses you are going into?  I did it too when I was young.  All those poses different positions are in honor and worship of one of their gods.”  Whether you know it or not, the enemy knows it.  He doesn’t need you to know it to come in.  If he gets a crack, he’s coming.  Eastern mysticism; WICCA, a lot of our young teens are turning to WICCA now, the “white witch” stuff.  Because it’s “good witches”, it’s “good stuff”.  We are not teaching.   We are not teaching. The builder back Masonic, the Centering Prayer.  Now Centering Prayer can be really good if it is taught and done the right way.  But most Centering Prayer will eventually lead you to centering on self.  We are looking at “Mother Goddess”, Catholic Feminists, and the Enneagram.  I went through it one time because it was approved by my church.  We did it in the church.  Numbers to tell your personality and what you are prone to do, all these things.  We have to break that off.    A lot of things that we have done, not knowing, thinking it was ok because we were doing it in church that we’ve had to break off of ourselves.  Automatic writing, Mormonism, Jung, Freud, Scientology  Does anyone remember the Tony Alamo mess down in Van Buren and that area, Alma?  You know the teen-age girls are coming out now and saying what all they went through and they are trying to heal them but they can’t heal them just through physical healing.  The Jones, when they drank all the cool-aid.   Because they were “right”!  And they killed themselves.  Killed themselves!  All these are..

One more story.  Jim and I worked with youth for quite a few years and we really did it in our own home.  We taught CCD, Scripture Study, we did all in our home.  We were allowed to bring the teenagers into our home.  And we had two boys who were just on the edge.  They were “nerds” in school.  One was a super-intellectual.   The other one was a super “get in trouble.”  And these two boys got themselves involved in a Satanic cult.  They weren’t sure what it was because they were hungry for acceptance.  And they went into this group and they were accepted.  And they had to do certain things to be accepted.   The young boy, Jesse, all of a sudden I notice he doesn’t look well.  There is something going on.  And they have already had to involve the police because he had been asked by this cult leader to bring in his little sister so they could sacrifice her and this would be his proof that he was loyal to them.  Well, this broke him.  He told his parents what was going on.  Literally, the police had to put them under cover and move them out of town to keep them safe.  And this is through lack of knowledge, lack of teaching. 

Seven steps to deliverance:  1. Honesty. 2. Humility. (In James)  3.  Repentance.  You cannot be delivered if you are not repentant. And you cannot receive deliverance without forgiveness.  4.  Renunciation.  Renounce it yourself.  The person praying over you can say the prayer but you have to renounce that spirit, too.  You have to turn from it.  5.  Forgiveness.  6. Prayer.  7. Praise.  The enemy cannot stand prayer and praise.  He hates praise music.  During the day, if something is really coming at you, bothering you, put in a praise tape.  Just stand at your sick and begin to praise God.  The demon has to leave instantly.  He can’t stand praise.  It breaks his back.  Just like “garlic to a vampire”!   Learn your warfare.  Corinthians 2:, Ephesians 6, your scripture is full of warfare.  You need to pray immediately after you have prayed with this person to fill that person with God’s love and grace, to fill the empty spaces as the demons leave, because there are going to be empty spaces like the woman we said, “cleaned out her house” but didn’t fill it again  with godly had seven demons come back.  A person should be taught to break habitual behavior patterns that lead to demonic inhabitation and infestation.  You can’t keep the spirits out if you are not willing to do the work to change your life, to change certain patterns, to change certain things that you do, see, or listen to.  And the Holy Spirit, if you ask him, He will convict you.  He convicted us long ago on TV programs.  Our friends still watch a lot of stuff.  We will not even turn on.   We will not go to an “X-rated” movie.  There’s just lots of things we won’t do.  We cleaned our house out from every book, anything that was not totally in line with what God has to tell us.  So, you have to break those habitual habits.  A person should adopt a regular schedule of prayer, reading scripture, praise, music.  You need to become a part of a Christian community.  There are prayer groups here.  There is a Marion group here.   This is here.  (Patriarch House Formation).   There are bible studies here.  There are numerous things that you can be a part of and be surrounded by people who can support you and help you learn.  We had never learned anything.  We were dumb as rocks, quite frankly.  We didn’t know anything.  Some of the manifestations that we have seen, and I was getting at this earlier telling you about Leslie, with her eyes slitting, her pupils literally slitting like a snake’s.  Hissing, hands begin to tingle,  arthritic spirits, headache, neck and shoulders.  That’s why when you pray for people for deliverance, or commanding a spirit out you need to watch them.  You need to keep your eyes open.   Now, just praying over people, it’s ok to close your eyes, please.  Don’t be looking for spirits all the time.  But you really need to be paying attention.  When the Spirit tells you, when the Holy Spirit tells you, there’s something here, you will feel that little ping inside of you.  You pay attention.  Roots of bitterness, that’s probably one of the worse things you can hang on to.  It can totally destroy your life.  I saw my brother destroyed.  He died last October of cancer.  Still bitter.   His wife is so bitter, and she is sick.  She’s got diabetes, she has a severe heart problem, all kinds of problems.  The bitter root.  If you see bitterness, feel bitterness, know bitterness, get someone to pray with you.  Get it out.    Loud voices, you might notice the manifestation of loud or guttural voices.  Or their voices will change in a way you might not have heard them before. 

Agree with God with what He is telling you, what the Holy Spirit is telling you, through the person praying over you–if you trust them.  Be careful of who you let pray for you.  Trust, and know, what they know in the Spirit and that you can trust them.   Not to trust just anyone laying hands, we have seen it happen to one of our friends.  She was prayed over at one of the healing masses and she became ill on the floor, and when she got up she was ill for months and they finally discerned that something had come into her from the woman who was praying over her.   Be careful who you let pray for you. [Note: After this incident, Bishop Anthony Taylor and diocesan exorcist, Msgr. Scott Marzuk, have issued the guideline that laity should not put their hands on the head of the person receiving prayer, as this is a sign of authority that belongs only to priests and deacons in the Catholic Church.]

Agree with God and confess your sins.  Accept God’s forgiveness and forgive yourself for goodness sakes!  You cannot get yourself to heaven; only God’s forgiveness can get you there!  Release yourself.  Surrender yourself!  Covered by God and his love it removes—when He says, when I forgive I forget!  You know we are the only stupid people who don’t live “forget”!  God forgets it all.  When we repent and surrender and let it go, He forgets it.  We are the idiots who hang on to it and let it come back!  If He doesn’t have the memory of it why should I?    I am a new creation in Christ!  A new creation washed by the blood of the Lamb!  Clear your consciences.  Deceit ends up in physical and emotional destruction.   Scientific relationships clear conscience and mental health.

We were talking again about what we need to do to cover ourselves:  Cover ourselves in the Blood, cover ourselves in the armor.  Again this is before you are at pray for someone or when your pray for yourself.  You need to do it every day.  

Confess [proclaim] positive things.  [Don’t say:] “Oh, I am so tired I just don’t think I can get up and do anything!”  No, you’re not!  [Don’t say:] “I just know I’m going to get that cold if I go to Mass.”  “Everybody had got it and I will probably get it too!”  Yes, you probably will…

 Confess [proclaim] the positive word!  I haven’t had a cold in how long, Jim?  20 years?  My doctor told me, “If I were a germ I wouldn’t get near you!”  And I said, “You’re right!”  That’s not to say I may not, I just don’t catch things.  And I pray with people who are sick and breathing on me. 

Most demons seeking to re-enter assail your thoughts.  Here’s where you watching should be. [Point to the brain] This is the battlefield, right here.  If he can put it in your mind, you are going to think about it all the time.  Put on the “Helmet of Salvation” with your scriptures written inside that helmet.  You have the mind of Christ.  Put it on.  You think his thoughts!  What does He say about you?  He doesn’t   say, “You’re a lowlife.  You’re a failure.”   He says, “You are the apple of my eye”.  He says, “My child.”  “I hold you up.”  You read in your own mind what He says about you, not what the enemy is putting in your mind.  And yes, we all go through hard times.  And we all can say, “God, I cannot go through this one more day.”  Yes, you can.  That’s when you confess [proclaim], “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  “Not my  strength, not by power, not by might, but by the Spirit, says the Lord.”  Be positive!  He says, “Whoever says to this mountain ‘be moved into the sea’ and believes it”–you better believe it—“it will go.”  And Proverbs tells us, Proverb 6:21, says “You are entrapped with the words of your own mouth.”  “Life and death are in the power of the tongue.” 

Repentance is not just “Oh, I am so sorry!”  It’s a turning point.  It’s a determined turning point away from sin.  You’ve got to turn away from all those things which have entrapped you.  You have got to hate those sins.  Deliverance is not just to be used to gain relief from problems in order to become more like Jesus, your obedience to all that God requires, repentance is a ‘turning from’ that which hinders spiritual growth, ministry and fellowship.  Repentance requires open confession of all sins.  Renunciation—we talked about that a little bit.  You have got to renounce that evil thing that is on you.  It is an action that comes from repentance.  Repentance will move you into renouncing.  Renouncing that “way of life”, renouncing that spirit.  And it involves more than words.  I can say the words all I want to, but if I don’t live it, and fight it—and let me say here, he [the devil/demon] is not going to turn loose of you easily.   It took him a long time to get control.  It’s going to take you a while to get rid of it.  You may be rid of the spirit, but he is going to continue to try to find ways in.  And trust me, he knows every weakness you have.  But your strength is in the Lord.  “The joy of the Lord is my strength and salvation!” 

And we were talking about this before, if you have in your possession literature or objects that pertain to sin or Satan, get rid of them.  They’ve got to go.  And don’t throw them in the trash or give them to someone else—destroy them.  We burned our stuff.  Especially occult teachings.  I was just interested in reading.  I needed the knowledge but I didn’t need to have them in my house. 

Forgiveness.  Probably the hardest of all to do is forgiveness.  God freely forgives us.  He forgives us when we confess our sins and ask forgiveness through his Son.  He expects us to forgive all others, no matter what they have done to us, no matter how much we were wronged.  We can choose to forgive here [head] until it reaches here [heart].  And sometimes you have to choose to forgive; we’ve had to do it these last few months, every single hour of the day.  It moves, it will move to your heart.  And now there’s a tenderness in all this mess that is going on [around me].  He expects us to forgive because He forgives us.  Willingness to forgive is absolutely essential to deliverance.  Prayer says, “whoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be delivered”.  Joel 2:32.  Ask God to deliver you and set you free in the Name of Jesus.  And will you be in warfare all of your life?  Probably!  Ephesians 6:10-12 is your warfare prayer.  2Corinthians 10: 3-5  [“3For, although we are in the flesh, we do not battle according to the flesh,* 4for the weapons of our battle are not of flesh but are enormously powerful, capable of destroying fortresses. We destroy arguments 5and every pretension raising itself against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive in obedience to Christ,”]   

Demons spirits are either identified through detection or discernment.  Many evil spirits you can just see, you feel them.  You’ve been in places where you felt, and you knew, or someone around you, you just felt it.   Either that or through the discernment of the Holy Spirit, you will know.

[In non-possession situations] You address it directly in a commanding voice and you command it to leave in the name of Jesus.  [Please note that healing may first need to take place and the first step in ministry is to bind the spirit]   We talked about that:  Mark 16, Luke 10, Mark 1. 

The warfare is spiritual and your testimony as a believer –you are a believer of Jesus Christ.  You require all these spiritual weapons.  You require the Blood [of Jesus Christ], the Name [of Jesus] the Word [scripture/Jesus] and you have to have the determination.  Enter the battle with determination for yourself and others.     Just remember, you have tools.  You have your Guardian Angel, St. Benedict, St. Michael the Archangel—powerful prayer every day, St. George the Dragon Slayer,  crosses [crucifixes] in your home.  Wear something blessed on your body.  Books, tapes, music, pictures, statues, lots of things you can have, Mary’s mantle, sacramentals:  oil, [blessed] salt, Holy Water.  Bless your house often:  I use a squirt bottle of Holy Water.  I go through my house and bless my house, every room, after people have been there or even my family has been there, we bless our house.

Generational healing.  You can have a “Healing of the Family Tree” mass said.  Or sometimes we do them as a parish.  Healing the Family Tree:  try to identify and write down past things involving sin or discerned, or addictions.  There are so many things we can do. 

But what I want you to know is that we don’t have to be wagged around like a dog’s tail by Satan.  We have all of this at our disposal.  And now we always use a cleansing prayer at the end when we pray and even, honestly, when we leave here we do this cleansing prayer.  And you should do it, too.  It’s in the material I have.  I have copies.  I have a packet of prayer things.  Those of you who did not get the warfare book [see below] that Lissa brought [gave out during the Armor of God series], I have warfare books.  There is still some on the book table.  Okay, but take that copy we have supplied and just remember:  “Jesus is your power”.   Satan has been defeated.  He knows it, now you need to know it.   You need to know it.  Protect yourselves, people.  Let him have it!  Thank you.    

Follow up:  Sheila, I have a question.  You mentioned scientific relationships? 

There’s a lot, like rationalization about how the world was created.  There are a lot of things we can look at, such as, abortion is trying to be rationalized away, those kinds of things.  They have proof of this and they have proof of that is what I was trying to get at.  They are trying to prove the lie.      

Follow up:  Discussion of books, especially “Spiritual Warfare Prayers” as reference material [see below]

This is one of the best books you can have.  It has everything in it, cutting-free prayer, generational, curse-breaking, so do these little books here.  

Reference Material:


Spiritual Warfare Prayers. Robert Abel. Valentine Publishing House.

Unbound A Practical Guide to Deliverance. By Neal Lozano. Chosen Books, publisher.

Deliverance Prayers for Use by the Laity. Sensus Traditionis Press.

Deliverance Ministry International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services Doctrinal Commission. Published in the U.S. by the National Service Committee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the U.S. Inc.

Please note that our best weapons against Satan are the Sacraments of Baptism and Reconciliation [Confession].

Scriptures NAB

Acts 16:18  “Paul became annoyed, turned, and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” Then it came out at that moment.”

Luke 10:17 “The seventy [-two] returned rejoicing, and said, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us because of your name.”

Philippians 2:10-11 “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.  Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.  May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Protection before Ministry: Putting On the Full Armor of God

Finally, I will be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might:  I will put on the full armor of God, that I may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For my struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore I will take up the full armor of God that I may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything to stand firm. I will stand firm therefore, having girded my loins with truth and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod my feet with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace.  In addition to all, I will take the shield of faith with which I will be able to extinguish all the flaming missiles of the evil one.  And I will take the helmet of salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, with all prayer and petition.  I will pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view I will be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints; I will pray that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth to make known with boldness the mystery of the Gospel.  In the name of Jesus Christ.    Amen.  Ephesians 6:10-19

Cutting Free Prayer Following Intercession

Cleansing Prayer Following Intercession Ministry

By Francis MacNutt in The Sword of the Spirit

Lord Jesus, thank You for sharing with me Your wonderful ministry of healing and deliverance.  Thank You for being present today as I prayed for others. Thank You for the healing I have seen and experienced today, but I realize that the sickness and evil we encounter is more than our humanity can bear, so cleanse me of any sadness, negative thinking, or despair that I may have picked up during intercession for others.

                If my ministry has tempted me to anger, impatience, or lust, cleanse me of those temptations and replace them with love, joy, and peace.  If any evil spirits, powers, or forces, have attached themselves to me or oppress me in any way, in the name of Jesus Christ, I command you spirits of earth, air, fire, or water, or of the netherworld or of nature to depart now and go straight to Jesus Christ, for Him to deal with as He will and not return. 

Come, Holy Spirit, renew me; fill me anew with Your power, Your life, and Your joy.  Strengthen me where I have felt weak and clothe me with Your light. Fill me with Your life, fill all the void areas in me with Your presence.

                Lord Jesus, please send Your holy angels to minister to me and to guard and protect me and my family, from all sickness, harm and accidents, and give us safe travel.  We praise You now and forever, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!

In Your precious name, I pray.  Amen.

Discussion Questions

1. Do you have a daily routine of prayer?  What is your favorite?

2. Do you pray protection prayers or have a spiritual routine?  Explain.

3.  How often do you minister to others through prayer intercession?  Is protection/cleansing prayer part of your routine?  Why is it important?

4. Oppression and temptation are common tactics against Christians.  How can you identify these?   How do you deal with them?

5.  Comment on tonight’s talk.