TOS027 Supernatural Prayer-Tongues with Rick Brunner

TOS027 Supernatural Prayer -Tongues with Rick Brunner (Part 2)  for audio: TOS027: Supernatural Prayer – Tongues – Truth of the Spirit (podcast) | Listen Notes       

Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner welcomes Rick Brunner for this episode about supernatural prayer of praying in Tongues.  Praying in Tongues is easy and very helpful.  The person does need good teaching and usually someone to help them begin.  It is part of the Church’s Baptismal gifts.  And unlike the other supernatural gifts of the Spirit which are given to different people as the Holy Spirit wills, this gift seems to be for everyone.  Therefore we encourage all to receive it.  St Paul says in 1 Cor. 14:5 that “Now I should like all of you to speak in tongues.” 

  Praying in Tongues is totally under the person’s control.  The person decides when to start and when to stop.  But you have no control over what words will be spoken.  St Paul says in 1 Cor. 14:14 that “If I pray in a tongue my spirit is at prayer but my mind contributes nothing.”  Our mind has no control over the words used in this prayer. This childlike step confounds the wisdom of the world by leaving the natural powers of intellect and memory behind.  Praying in Tongues is important for spiritual growth and can bring about many blessings as shared in this episode.  Also included is various teachings published by the leaders of the Catholic Church on Tongues.

(Began by Rick praying in tongues for a couple minutes)-  The Lord told me to do that!  It was not a performance but a prayer.

Tonight I am going to talk about Supernatural Prayer.  The most supernatural prayer I know is praying in tongues.  Most of my research for this talk comes from the Diocese of Lafayette website, ‘Gifts and Charisms’, from Msgr. Vincent Walsh’s booklet, ‘Praying in Tongues’ and quotes from Fr. Robert DeGrandis. On the Lafayette diocesan website they share the following about praying in Tongues:

“TONGUES – [is] a spontaneous, inspired utterance by the Holy Spirit in which we use our voice according to the Spirit’s prompting. To speak or sing in Tongues or “to pray in the Spirit,” as it is called, is what happens when a believer allows the indwelling Spirit to guide and form the words they utter. To pray, to speak or to sing in Tongues – is to pray in what could be an earthly or heavenly language; a language current on the earth or one long dead, or it could be any one of countless dialects. Praying in tongues brings deliverance, inspiration, refreshment (both spiritually and physically), revival, wisdom and is a means to victory in spiritual warfare.

Fr. Robert DeGrandis says that: “Prayer tongues is a permanent gift in which you are edified. The Spirit prays within you– according to Romans 8:26: ‘Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with signs too deep for words.’ The ministerial gift of tongues is really ‘speaking’ in tongues. In your prayer language you pray in tongues. When you minister to the community by anointed utterance this is ‘speaking in tongues’. There is a distinction.

Msgr. Vincent Walsh says, ‘The primary purpose of prayer tongues is to praise God. The gift of speaking in tongues, while praising God, has as its goal, the release of interpretation, or speaking God’s message’ (Rev. Msgr. Vincent M. Walsh, Lead My People, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Key of David Publications, 1980, p. 54) – it is a calling forth of the ‘interpretation prophecy’. Fr. DeGrandis continues by saying: Praying in tongues is a permanent gift. Speaking in tongues is a transient gift used only when there is an anointing.” Rev. Robert DeGrandis. S.S.J., The Gift of Tongues, 1983, p. 6-7 (emphasis added).

The gift of tongues is considered the “least” of the gifts, even though it is often presented as a very important manifestation of the baptism in the Spirit. It is the ‘gateway’ gift to the other gifts. If we humble ourselves in our relationship with the Lord- so much – as to yield to His Holy Spirit within us in order to ‘babble’ in a ‘strange tongue’, then we open ourselves so much more to surrender to the other gifts to be manifest in us for the good of the Church.

INTERPRETATION (OF TONGUES) [is]– a prophetic message given in response to God’s signal of ‘speaking in tongues’ (rather than ‘praying in tongues’). If someone ‘speaks’ out in a tongue, there ought to be an ‘interpretation’. This can be brought forth by the person who has given the tongue, or it can be given by someone else in the group. It is the responsibility of leadership to make sure that NO praising, singing, scripture reading, or other prophetic tongue occurs until time has been allowed for the interpretation. We should be silent and wait upon the Lord. 

Interpretation may come in a variety of ways, similar to the length and style of the tongue spoken; or it may be completely different, expressed in longer or shorter words, as a vision, a sense, an inspired thought or a symbol in pictures. The person with the interpretation may receive it as if the person speaking in tongues was speaking to them directly in their own language, or it may just be a phrase or a word that comes as the individual is speaking in tongues. The necessary ingredient for bringing forth a message in tongues or an interpretation is the willingness to trust God.”

When praying in tongues, we speak words to God under the power of the Holy Spirit. St. Paul says in 1 Cor. 14:2 that “One who speaks in a tongue does not speak to human beings, but to God.”

How does this happen:

When we speak in the vernacular we use three powers:  the intellect- (to know what to say), the will –(to decide to speak) and the speech faculties –( to actually say the words).  But when praying in tongues, we use only our will and speech faculties.  The intellect is not involved.  We can actually pray with our mind or do other functions while praying in tongues. 

How do we receive this gift?

First we must believe the gift exists and then gain some understanding of it.  And we have to want the gift of praying in tongues.  The Holy Spirit will not force any gift on us.

Then we have to yield to Tongues – which means the person for the first time allows the Spirit to pray within them.

Sometimes people just yield to tongues on their own but most of the time they begin to pray in tongues through the help of others.   We’ve had several teachings here in the past on the gifts of the Spirit where we prayed with people to receive the gift of tongues.

Is praying in tongues easy? 

Yes it’s easy and very helpful.  The person does need good teaching and usually someone to help them begin.  It is for the good of the person and considered part of the Church’s Baptismal gifts.  And unlike the other supernatural gifts of the Spirit which are given to different people as the Holy Spirit wills, this gift seems to be for everyone.  Therefore we encourage all to receive it.  St Paul says in 1 Cor. 14:5 that “Now I should like all of you to speak in tongues.”  

Doesn’t St Paul say that not all speak in Tongues?

There is a big difference between praying in tongues meant for all and speaking in tongues meant for only some.  Remember speaking in tongues is an anointing to give a message for an assembly where there is also someone with the gift of interpretation and a word usually comes forth much like the gift of prophecy. 

Are prayer tongues used privately or with others?

This gift can be used both ways.  The gift is meant to help the person in private prayer and also to help a group to praise God together.  We use this gift both ways and also in healing ministry and many other ways.    

What does “Praying in Tongues” sound like?

You heard it earlier.  Praying in tongues, when we first yield to it usually sounds like the same few words repeated in various ways.   This gift is a permanent gift and continues as long as the person wills. After the initial first yielding, the person then prays whenever he chooses.  As time goes on the prayer tongue usually lengthens or changes and on occasion a different language can come forth.  I know when my wife is praying in tongues sometimes her accent and boldness changes. I’ve seen this happen too when a group of us are laying on hands and praying in tongues for someone.    It can indicate that an oppressive spirit is present and that spiritual warfare is called for.  

What control do we have?

Praying in tongues is totally under the person’s control.  The person decides when to start and when to stop.  But you have no control over what words will be spoken.  St Paul says in          1 Cor. 14:14 that “If I pray in a tongue my spirit is at prayer but my mind contributes nothing.”  Our mind has no control over the words used in this prayer. 

What if there are doubts about the Gift?

Sometimes, when a person has only recently begun to pray in tongues, problems like fear, self-consciousness, doubts or some other obstacle begins to interfere with the use of this gift.  The person even begins to think he has lost his gift or never really had it.  If this happens, the person should be helped again to yield. Usually these obstacles are removed by good teaching and praying with others.  They should also be encouraged to use their prayer tongues often so that they gain confidence in using the gift.  Praying in the shower or while driving are examples.     

Is prayer tongues compatible with other prayer?

Praying in tongues does not replace other prayer forms, such as liturgical worship, the rosary or mental prayer.  It enhances all these forms and lifts them to a new level. 

Christ himself made this promise:

 In Mark 16: 17-18 Jesus said “these signs will accompany the  believers: in my name they will drive out demons, they will speak in new tongues. They will pick up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not harm them. And they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Now ask yourself, are you a believer? 

Can anyone understand what is being said?

Usually not.  St Paul says in 1Cor 14: 2 that “the man who speaks in a tongue is talking -not to men but to God.  No one understands him, because he utters mysteries in the Spirit.”

      Msgr. Vincent Walsh says in his book “Praying in Tongues” and Linda Schubert in her book “Gift of Tongues” that there can sometimes be a miracle of hearing or anointing on the ears of the hearer to understand.  There are times when the miracle of hearing happens such as at Pentecost and someone can understand in their own language.  Acts 2: 5-7 speaking about Pentecost says “Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven staying in Jerusalem.  At the sound (tongues) they gathered in a large crowd, but they were confused because each one heard them speaking in his own language.”   Linda Schubert gave an example of someone ministering in the Caribbean who asked for an interpreter but they said it was not necessary because she was speaking the local Spanish dialect perfectly even though she didn’t know Spanish. In that case she was speaking English, not tongues.

This I think happened here at the Patriarch House one time with about 3 or 4 Hispanic people.  They spoke very little English and after listening to a talk in English we asked them if they were able to understand and they said yes they had understood perfectly as if we had been speaking in Spanish. 

What are the Blessings of praying in tongues?

This childlike step confounds the wisdom of the world by leaving the natural powers of intellect and memory behind, God blesses this “Stepping out in Faith.”

Praying in tongues is important for spiritual growth and can bring about                 the following blessings:

1) The person experiences a presence of God.  In prayer time, God seems so much closer.  Prayer tongues stirs the imagination and bestows a beginning presence of God.

2) The person senses that they are having a conversation with God, which causes a friendship and a bonding.  Prayer tongues helps the individual to fulfill Christ’s command to pray always.

3) The person has a powerful weapon against Satan and experiences a freedom from demonic oppression.

4) The person possesses an effective means of intercessory prayer, especially when they do not know exactly for what to pray. 

5) The person experiences God’s light for their decisions.  Using prayer tongues sensitizes the person to the activity of the Holy Spirit.  I know Patti and I pray in tongues when we are on prayer team and it seems to bring forth other gifts like word of knowledge and word of wisdom.  Remember it’s the perfect prayer and what better way to pray over someone. 

6) Surrendering to God to pray in tongues teaches us to surrender our will to Him in all things.

7) Praying in tongues allows you to pray for any length of time without tiring or repeating prayers.

8) Praying in tongues allows you to pray while working heavy machinery or when concentration is required such as a math test without distraction.

9) Praying in tongues is proof that scripture is true and that it is the living word.

10) Praying in tongues encourages us as proof of the Holy Spirit active within us.

11) Praying in tongues allows you to pray supernaturally!

[This talk was followed by several questions and answers. 


Reference Books:

Praying in Tongues  A Catholic Explanation by Rev. Msgr. Vincent M. Walsh, J.C.D

Charisms Gifts of God’s Love by Fr. Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J.

The Gift of Tongues A Doorway to Miracles by Linda Schubert

Other References:

Diocese of Lafayette, Louisiana       Gifts and Charisms

Romans 8:26: ‘Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with signs too deep for words.’

1 Cor. 14:2  “One who speaks in a tongue does not speak to human beings, but to God.”

1 Cor. 14:5  “Now I should like all of you to speak in tongues.”  

1 Cor. 14:14 “If I pray in a tongue my spirit is at prayer but my mind contributes nothing.” 

Mark 16: 17-18 Jesus said “these signs will accompany the believers: in my name they will drive out demons, they will speak in new languages. They will pick up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not harm them. And they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

1 Cor 14:2  “the man who speaks in a tongue is talking -not to men but to God.  No one understands him, because he utters mysteries in the Spirit.”

Acts 2: 5-7 speaking about Pentecost says “Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven staying in Jerusalem.  At the sound (tongues) they gathered in a large crowd, but they were confused because each one heard them speaking in his own language.” 

Discussion Questions

1. Do you ever have difficulty in praying?  For yourself or for others?  Explain.

2. What is your opinion on the supernatural prayer of Tongues? 

3. How can more Catholics be made aware of the benefits of praying with Tongues?

4. Share about when you received the Gift of Tongues or first heard someone praying in the supernatural prayer of Tongues.

5.  Comment on this talk.