TOS024 Healing and Gifts of the Spirit

TOS024 Healing and Gifts of the Spirit with Patti Brunner

for Audio:TOS024: Healing and Gifts of the Spirit – Truth of the Spirit (podcast) | Listen Notes

This episode of Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner, Healing and Gifts of the Spirit, will explain the application of the gifts as used in healing.  It includes personal testimony to instill the hope that all Christians can be open to spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit and that the purpose of these gifts are to edify the Church to prepare it for the ultimate healing in eternal life.  As we read the scriptures we can see that Jesus taught us how to use these gifts of grace. 

This episode also includes some of the saints who used the healing gifts in ordinary and extraordinary ways.  Each charism listed in the First Letter to the Corinthians can be used in some way for healing.  1 Corinthians 12: “1 Now in regard to spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be unaware…  4  There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit;  5 there are different forms of service but the same Lord; 6 there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. 7 To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” NAB


There are many sorts of healing needs:  Physical, Psychological, Emotional, Spiritual, and Relational.

What does the phrase “Gifts of the Spirit” mean?  When we are confirmed, we are generally taught about the sanctifying gifts of the Spirit from the Old Testament in Isaiah 11: 1-3, “a spirit of wisdom and of understanding, A spirit of counsel and of strength, a spirit of knowledge and of fear of the Lord [piety] and his delight shall be the fear of the Lord.” 

The New Testament does not replace these gifts but rather expands them in various lists of gifts of the Spirit such as the Motivational Gifts in Romans 12:6-8:  prophecy, ministry, teacher, exhorter [encourager], contributor [generosity]; administrator,  one who shows mercy [compassion].  And the ministry gifts in Ephesians 4:11-12 of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers, sometimes called the five-fold ministry gifts.  The Manifestation Gifts often referred to as the Charismatic Gifts.

The Catechism says in # 799  thatWhether extraordinary or simple and humble, charisms are graces of the Holy Spirit which directly or indirectly benefit the Church, ordered as they are to her building up, to the good of men, and to the needs of the world.

Healing is definitely helpful in benefiting the Church; it builds it up and satisfies needs of the world.  Dr. Mary Healing, said [1/19/2018] that “Healing is an intrinsic part of the mission of the Church especially for evangelizing.”  Pope Benedict XVI has said, “We are a therapeutic Church.”

Tonight I am going to go over the charisms, the manifestation gifts of the holy Spirit, and share how each of these can be used in healing the Church and the world.  Let’s start with the scripture that lists charisms.

1 Corinthians 12: “1 Now in regard to spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be unaware… 4  There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit;  5 there are different forms of service but the same Lord; 6 there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. 7 To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.   8 To one is given through the Spirit the expression of wisdom; to another the expression of knowledge according to the same Spirit;  9 to another faith by the same Spirit; to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit;  10 to another mighty deeds; to another prophecy; to another discernment of spirits; to another varieties of tongues; to another interpretation of tongues.    11 But one and the same Spirit produces all of these, distributing them individually to each person as he wishes.”

In Scripture Jesus uses the charisms to bring about healings.  We see them most frequently in the gospels of Luke and Matthew.   Matthew 4: 23   “And he went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every infirmity among the people. 24 So his fame spread throughout all Syria, and they brought him all the sick, those afflicted with various diseases and pains, demoniacs, epileptics, and paralytics, and he healed them.”

Through the charisms, Jesus shared the word of wisdom that Lazarus was not dead, even though he had been dead for three days.  Through word of wisdom, he knew that the power had gone out to heal the woman with the hemorrhage.  He used words of knowledge in evangelizing the woman at the well towards inner healing, in John 4:17-27; to know there was a coin in the fish to pay the taxes in Matthew 17:27, and about the synagogue official’s daughter in Mark 5:36-40.  Jesus used the gift of faith to rebuke and quiet the storm.  He used the gift of healing by laying on of hands and also by proclaiming healing from a distance; sometimes asking his Father to heal and sometimes he commanding the healing.   Using the charism of miracles/mighty deeds He healed the withered hand (Luke 6:6-10), created an eye where a man was blind from birth, and multiplied the loaves and fishes.   He used the charism of prophecy to reveal the coming of his passion, death and resurrection and also to communicate with God.

Using discernment of spirits he identified when demonic activity was causing infirmity and He cast out demons.   Jesus groaned in the Spirit in Mark 7:34 before healing the deaf mute.  He uttered mysteries to his Father as he set himself apart and prayed with the Spirit.   By all this he taught us how to use these charisms.

The Holy Spirit gives us the graces or charisms to do the same thing Jesus did.  You can see in the Acts of the Apostles, Acts 5:1-9, Acts 3:1-10 and other New Testament books how the Church received the Holy Spirit and used the charisms to build it up.

Jesus tells us that if we are believers we should be laying hands on the sick and have them recover.

Mark 16:15-18   “He said to them, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature…   17 These signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will drive out demons, they will speak new languages.  18 They will pick up serpents [with their hands], and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not harm them. They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

Jesus instructs us that proclamation of the Gospel and healing should be connected for believers.  Are You a BELIEVER?   The greatest of God’s gifts is Love.  When we pray for people, it is with love in our heart. 

On your handout [at the end of this blog] I included some descriptions of these gifts from various sources.  I also want to witness some of the times these gifts have manifested when I asked for the help of the Holy Spirit and how the Church continues to use them for healing, evangelizing and building up the people of God.

(WORD OF KNOWLEDGE) – a supernatural revelation of facts past, present, or future which we did not learn through the efforts of the natural mind …

“True supernatural knowledge starts with knowing God personally, through Jesus Christ. Jesus and the disciples received many ‘words of knowledge’ from the Holy Spirit.” See John 4:17-27, Matthew 17:27, Mark 5:36-40, Acts 5:1-9, Acts 3:1-10 (only a few!)

Word of Knowledge  aides healing by opening “festered” areas in memory and body.  These words help break the barriers that people have that limit the effect of grace.

Bishop Jacobs: “It gives Specific words for others that will touch their heart to open them to the Word of God.”

One of the most dramatic times I have seen this gift was during a prayer group meeting of pre-teen boys.  One day one of the boys was praying over the other spiritual director of our group and he got the word “spider ” from the Lord.  It seemed so strange but we had talked about the importance of speaking out what the Spirit had given us so he did.  We were all thinking maybe she had a fear of spiders but she started remembering when she was 5 years old, she and a girl visiting her stomped a big wood spider and hundreds of baby spiders ran out and they had great fun stomping them, too.   As we continued to pray for her, she shared with us that this young girl friend had contracted polio and died shortly after this incident and that it had greatly affected her.  She had forgotten about it but said it kept her from forming friendships the rest of her life.    We prayed for healing for her.  Isn’t it interesting how the Holy Spirit can give the word “spider” at just the right time!

Often, when I am praying for someone, the Lord gives me a word of knowledge about a particular healing the person needs.  I was praying after Church one Sunday; and a family came up to ask for prayer for the dad.  As I prayed for him, the Lord revealed that his son was having trouble in school with reading.   I asked him about it and he said yes.  As the Lord revealed their unspoken needs the faith of this family grew by leaps and bounds.  The family received healing and the next time I saw them they told me that their son was doing much better in school.  When the Lord reveals He heals!

WORD OF WISDOM  is “a supernatural insight given to the members of the Body of Christ which reveals God’s timing and method of ministry in a given situation. It explains or illuminates a given revelation” especially when and how to use some of the other charismatic gifts”   “such as a word of knowledge, discernment of spirit or the communication of revealed prophecy.” This is not the same as wisdom we gain from our experiences in life or intellectual pursuits.   “It is not to be confused with the virtue of wisdom. The ‘virtue’ of wisdom given at Baptism and affirmed at Confirmation is a lifelong gift which increases in us as we submit to those who instruct us on our spiritual journey.”   “A ‘word of wisdom’ is a supernatural revelation of God’s timing and method of ministry in a given situation.”

Often when I pray with people the Lord will remind me of a scripture or a method of ministry I have learned.   Once I was praying for a lady who could not recover from the grief over the death of her son.  She had anxiety that she was not with her son when he died in an accident.  Through a word of wisdom the Lord reminded me of a healing exercise and the Lord led me to ask her to think of three memories of her son, that she should notice Jesus in the memories and then take note of what Jesus was doing.  She began to cry and I began to cry.  I asked her what Jesus was doing in her first memory and she said he was laughing.  We were crying and Jesus was laughing?  In the second memory Jesus was standing there with his arms folding and the third one he was praying.  I asked her to share her memories with me.  She said the first one was when her son was a toddler and running around with his diaper falling down and it was so funny; Jesus was watching her son and laughing. 

The second one her son was 10 and playing a board game with a friend, Jesus was standing there watching her son at play, and the third one was the morning before he was killed in the car wreck and Jesus was praying.  As we continued to hug each other, through the charismatic gift of wisdom, I “knew” God wanted her to know that Jesus was with her son all his life, laughing, watching, and praying.  Even though she was not with her son when he died, Jesus was!  She was greatly comforted and healed of her extensive grief. 

 “DISCERNMENT OF SPIRITS – a supernatural ability to recognize whether a person or situation is being motivated by the Holy Spirit, their human spirit, an evil spirit or a combination of these spirits.  This revelation can come through a vision, a sense, or a specific word similar to a word of knowledge.”  “Discernment of spirits and Wisdom help judge and validate healings and miracles as well as prophecy and words of knowledge. As with the other gifts, a word of wisdom should be sought through quiet prayer before bringing forth what is being revealed.  Discretion and compassion to insure the dignity of the person receiving ministry are required.”

This gift is used to discern if infirmity is caused by physical, emotional and spiritual boundaries or by demonic activity.  This gift clears the way for binding and loosing.  “In the Name of Jesus” the evil spirits are then overcome and can be cast down (and out).  If we discern an evil spirit, we are not to automatically cast out demons.  Often the demons are attached to a particular sin or Woundedness. And if cast out would return with others. As in Matthew 12:43.  The person may need long term prayer ministry and reconciliation so that the demon will just let go.  Other times a word curse or judgment against them can be broken and the person receive immediate relief.

Sometimes my prayer language will be a tip off that there is some demonic activity causing problems.  I have come to recognize that.  Other times, the charism makes it clear that we are dealing with a non-physical cause of infirmity.  Unforgiveness, or inner healing becomes obvious and so guides us in our prayer tactics. 

We also discern how to proceed when there is a demonic activity.  Sometimes it is necessary to recommend a visit to a priest.  Other times we can lead them in an unbound prayer.  Other times we realized that inner healing will remove the ‘feeding frenzy’ of the demonic activity.

This past weekend we prayed for a non- Catholic young woman who sad and agitated.  She had word curses spoken against her by her former clergyman including saying that her name, Elizabeth, was cursed.  She had worked through forgiveness in the situation but had not healed.  We led her in a cutting free prayer and broke the judgement  and she immediately felt a release and felt a joy she had been missing in her life for over two years. 

The charism of  “TONGUES – a spontaneous, inspired utterance by the Holy Spirit in which we use our voice according to the Spirit’s prompting. To speak or sing in Tongues or “to pray in the Spirit,” as it’s called, is what happens when a believer allows the indwelling Spirit to guide and form the words they utter. To pray, to speak or to sing in Tongues is to pray in what could be an earthly or heavenly language; a language current on the earth or one long dead, or it could be any one of countless dialects. Praying in tongues brings deliverance, inspiration, refreshment (both spiritually and physically), revival, wisdom and is a means to victory in spiritual warfare.”

“Prayer tongues” is a permanent gift in which you are edified. The Spirit prays within you according to Romans 8:26: ‘Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with signs too deep for words.’

“The ministerial gift of tongues is really ‘speaking’ in tongues. In your prayer language you pray in tongues. When you minister to the community by anointed utterance this is ‘speaking in tongues’. There is a distinction”. When this gift is used for others it shows a manifestation of God’s power and the mysteries of the heavenly.  It also witnesses to the truth of the scripture—it is living word still applicable as a sign of disciples accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior.

1 Corinthians 14:2 “For one who speaks in a tongue does not speak to human beings but to God, for no one listens; he utters mysteries in spirit.” 

“If we humble ourselves in our relationship with the Lord so much as to yield to His Holy Spirit within us in order to ‘babble’ in a ‘strange tongue’, then we open ourselves so much more to surrender to the other gifts to be manifest in us for the good of the Church.”   Also see Catechism of the Catholic Church, # 688, 798-801, 2003, etc.

I pray in tongues often. It is a prayer of total surrender. It helps me to be more open to what the Lord wants.  It also is a way of praying the perfect prayer for someone who needs healing.  Very often when I pray in tongues during healing prayer the Lord will give me a Word of Wisdom or Knowledge to use for healing. 

Sometimes when there is singing in tongues the Lord also gives me the melody.  In a group there is beautiful harmony.  The presence of God is evident.  I’ve never heard anyone who had the exact same prayer tongues as someone else.  Some have only a phrase or two.  Others are quite extensive.  The Lord has given me various languages.  Some sound oriental, some sound like French, sometimes it sounds like an American Indian language.  I seem to have a main language that doesn’t sound like anything I have ever heard.   As I said earlier, I can tell by how my prayer language changes that there is a problem with a harassing spirit.

INTERPRETATION (OF TONGUES)– a prophetic message given in response to God’s signal of ‘speaking in tongues’ (rather than ‘praying in tongues’). If someone ‘speaks’ out in a tongue, there ought to be an ‘interpretation’. This can be brought forth by the person who has given the tongue, or it can be given by someone else in the group.   Interpretation may come in a variety of ways, similar to the length and style of the tongue spoken; or it may be completely different, expressed in longer or shorter words, as a vision, a sense, an inspired thought or a symbol in pictures. The person with the interpretation may receive it as if the person speaking in tongues was speaking to them directly in their own language, or it may just be a phrase or a word that comes as the individual is speaking in tongues.

Interpretation of Tongues – This gift builds up the community by the acceptance of the Word specifically for them.  Even if the unbeliever will not accept the supernatural aspect they will see the wisdom, however, and will be built up by the truth of the word.

Once when I was at a Life in the Spirit in Tontitown I could tell exactly what someone was saying when they stood up in the assembly and prayed in tongues.  Two or three people had the same interpretation.  God spoke about his Love for us.

PROPHECY – a supernatural communication from God to an individual or a group of believers. “Prophecy is “forth-telling” of the mind and heart of God to His people. Prophecy can manifest through a vision, words, and thoughts or be prompted by a form of physical sensation to alert us to listen.” This is a gift of encouragement for the people.   It is available, individually, to all who would listen and seek God’s face.  The gift is used to manifest the love and the power of our Father.

1 Corinthians 14  “1 Pursue love, but strive eagerly for the spiritual gifts, above all that you may prophesy”… “3b one who prophesies does speak to human beings, for their building up, encouragement, and solace”.

Sometimes as I pray for healing for someone, the Lord will tell me to tell them that he loves them, or that they are his princess, or that God is calling them to step out; he gives me unique words just for them from him.  In my prayer time, the Lord has used this gift to train me in the ways of the Church and to encourage me personally.  A lot of my talks are based on information he shares with me, things that our church teaches. I have over 50 journals written by listening to his words.  Sometimes when I am praying with a group, the Lord will give a word of prophecy for the whole group.    Sometimes the Lord gives pictures or visions for us to consider.  In group prayer ministry for a person, often the Lord will give words to one or two and a vision to another that confirm one another.  This can be for healing, encouragement or to point out the direction of ministry.  It also stirs up the faith of those praying.

One time I was praying during adoration and the Lord gave me a vision of someone shot in the head. It was startling.   I lifted it into prayer.  Several days later as I tucked my daughter in for the night the vision returned.  It was a little frightening but I sensed that whatever this was it had to do with a child.  I prayed it wasn’t my child.  The next week we traveled to Central Arkansas to be part of a Life in the Spirit there and during a healing service the Lord again gave me this vision.  This time I was I was calm and realized that the Lord wanted to heal the person who this was for.  Rather than being specific, I called out a healing for someone who had seen someone shot.  To keep it private, I said, “it could have been something they saw on TV.”   Later a team member told me that someone came forward for prayer who had accidently shot a child in the head when they were a child.  God is so loving and gentle.  He wants us to be healed of all our issues, even our memories.

“FAITH – a supernatural outpouring or anointing of the Holy Spirit which enables us to confidently believe without a doubt that what is spoken or undertaken in Jesus’ name will be accomplished. Faith involves entrusting oneself wholly to God and to believe absolutely and completely what He reveals”.   “This supernatural anointing of faith is different than: historical or intellectual faith.”  Bishop Jacobs said: “Virtue of Faith is belief in truth in the person of Jesus.  Gift of Faith is to act in faith –like moving mountains.”  “The gift of the Faith of God is the supernatural faith that will heal, bring about miracles, and move mountains! It is given spontaneously and lasts long enough for God’s purpose of the moment to be accomplished.”   Faith – this charism is given to God’s followers when they are chosen to manifest His power and love to people.  Rick and I pray as a team usually when we pray for others.  He has the strong expectant faith that God will heal.  This charismatic faith can overcome the weak faith of the people we pray for.  We have been given this faith to pray for storms to break apart in the midst of tornado sirens.

“GIFTS OF HEALING  – supernatural outpourings of God’s power which results in the healing of sickness and disease without the use of medical means.”  “Jesus used many different methods of healing, such as laying on of hands, casting out demons, spitting and making mud then applying it, and proclaiming healing from a distance. Jesus is the healer.”  “Healing is given as a manifestation of the Holy Spirit to build up, encourage, strengthen, make new or whole an individual or a group for the glory of God and the blessing of His people – to sanctify or to make holy the recipient, to glorify God, to build faith, to be a sign of the power and presence of God, to meet the need, to change the circumstances, to build up the Church. Healing may be physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual or relational. When we pray for healing, some type of healing comes, though it may not be specifically what we asked for.”  Bishop Jacobs: “God wants healing—the type of healing is up to Him.”

I do not keep track of people I have prayed for over the last 20 years.  A lot of them were healed, and most of them felt God’s presence even when they did not receive a physical healing.  It can be pretty exciting when they receive an immediate healing.  One time the Lord had me pray for two women of our parish who had been diagnosed with cancer.  I barely knew who they were.  The Lord told me they would be healed.  One died and the other once is cancer free.  In the eyes of the Lord they are both healed.  It is the Lord’s gift and his power.  Another time we prayed for a young boy undergoing a clinical trial for cancer treatment.  He was the only one of the group to be healed.   I have prayed for three different people for the repair of detached retina, and they were all healed.   One time, when I was visiting family, and offered to pray for them we had 5 healings including TMJ, a shoulder injury and a backache.   I could continue, but surely you get the picture here.  Our God still heals!

Mighty Deeds “(WORKING OF MIRACLES) – Miracles are interventions into the course of events which seem to contradict the so-called laws of nature. Through ‘working of miracles’ the Holy Spirit manifests the power of God to produce works which go beyond the natural: overriding natural laws, such as turning water into wine, multiplication of the loaves and fishes; healing beyond the ordinary, such as healing the withered hand (Luke 6:6-10), the replacement of an organ that is not there, disappearance of a tumor without surgery, making the blind see without surgery.”   “Miracles, which always happen instantaneously, are a much more powerful sign of God’s presence and action than healings, which may be instantaneous, gradual or a speeded up recovery. The gift of Faith of God certainly has to be involved in the ministry of working miracles as one speaks the word of command in Jesus’ name without doubt and with full certitude and expectant faith.”

God used a miracle to heal our car one time.  We were traveling to a Life in the Spirit and our car was pulling so hard to the right that Rick was having trouble driving.   I prayed with expectant faith and commanded the car to come under God’s perfect will and God gave us a supernatural alignment.  Another time we prayed for a woman who was diagnosed with a miscarriage.  Her son is now a teenager.   I prayed with a couple who could not conceive a child, less than a year later their daughter was born.

Other gifts that could manifest in healing prayer: Resting in the Spirit –helps us experience God’s peace.

This gift is like getting bowled over with a wave of grace.  It gently melts us.  Often, this gift will manifest during a particular service.  When that happens, the team will arrange for “catchers”.   Generally I can sense when a person is affected in that way—I can sense the power of God on them.  On a few occasions I have seen large groups of people fall out all at the same time.  It can be brief or last for a long time. 

Joy/Laughter – these gifts can be given to protect the people from the enemy or for inner healing.  The first time this happened to me, a priest was praying in tongues and it sounded so funny to me that I started giggling and couldn’t stop.   One time at a conference one of the team members was giving a ministry of this gift and every time she looked at me I broke out laughing.  Joy like that is very refreshing.

 Bishop Jacobs asked this question: “ What do you say to fellow Catholic who say ‘I don’t need the charismatic’.”  He said, “Tell them they are charismatic because they are part of the Church.  It is not a discipline like being a Carmelite.  All by virtue of Baptism and Confirmation are charismatic.   The movement—the Renewal- is a way to share the awareness of the truth that the Church is charismatic.”

History records so many saints who used the charisms of healing, miracles, prophesy, and words of knowledge.  Modern saints like Padre Pio and saints from long ago like St. Nicholas of Myra-aka Santa Claus—raised a child to life, used word of knowledge and quieted storms.  Blessed Angelus of Acri had miraculous healings and converting thousands.  He had the gifts of prophecy, bilocation, visions and the ability to see into men’s souls in Confession.  St. Ita of Killeedy  had many extravagant miracles  including healing a man who had been decapitated!  Nothing is impossible for God!

You don’t have to be a saint to be used by God.  All Christians can be open to spiritual Gifts of the Holy “Do not fear praying and asking for healing. Do not fear asking the Holy Spirit for the charisms to be activated in your life.   As you bring forth the people to prayer know that it is God who heals.  The people become a part of the body of Christ—both “pray-er” and “pray-ee” and in God is the power of the Resurrection Healing.  It is the Presence of the Holy Spirit within us – both the person praying and the person receiving prayer and Jesus–  the Holy Spirit connects us.              

The Catechism teaches in CCC # 800 “Charisms are to be accepted with gratitude by the person who receives them and by all members of the Church as well. They are a wonderfully rich grace for the apostolic vitality and for the holiness of the entire Body of Christ, provided they really are genuine gifts of the Holy Spirit and are used in full conformity with authentic promptings of this same Spirit, that is, in keeping with charity, the true measure of all charisms.”


Discussion Questions:

1.        Do I believe in the charismatic Gifts of the Holy Spirit?

2.        Am I open to allowing God to minister to me through them?  Am I open to allowing God to give me these gifts if He so desires and do I trust him to show me how to use them?

3.        When have gifts of the Holy Spirit made a difference in my life?

4.        How would life in our community change if all Catholics began to manifest and share their charismatic gifts?

5.        Share something from tonight’s talk

References and NAB Scriptures: 

Isaiah 11: 1-3   “But a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse (Jesse was King David’s father), and from his roots a bud shall blossom.  The spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him: a spirit of wisdom and of understanding, a spirit of counsel and of strength, a spirit of knowledge and of fear of the Lord and his delight shall be the fear of the Lord.” 

Motivational Gifts:  Romans 12:6-8  “Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us exercise them: if prophecy, in proportion to the faith; 7 if ministry, in ministering; if one is a teacher, in teaching;  8 if one exhorts, in exhortation; if one contributes, in generosity; if one is over others, with diligence; if one does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.”

Ministry Gifts:  Ephesians 4:11-12 “And he gave some as apostles, others as prophets, others as evangelists, others as pastors and teachers,12 to equip the holy ones for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ”

CCC 799 Whether extraordinary or simple and humble, charisms are graces of the Holy Spirit which directly or indirectly benefit the Church, ordered as they are to her building up, to the good of men, and to the needs of the world.

Dr. Mary Healing “Healing is an intrinsic part of the mission of the Church especially for evangelizing.”

Pope Benedict XVI: “We are a therapeutic Church.”

Manifestation/Charismatic Gifts   1 Corinthians 12: ““1 Now in regard to spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be unaware…4 There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; 5 there are different forms of service but the same Lord; 6 there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. 7 To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.  8 To one is given through the Spirit the expression of wisdom; to another the expression of knowledge according to the same Spirit; 9 to another faith by the same Spirit; to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit; 10 to another mighty deeds; to another prophecy; to another discernment of spirits; to another varieties of tongues; to another interpretation of tongues.  11 But one and the same Spirit produces all of these, distributing them individually to each person as he wishes.

Matthew 4: 23-24   “And he went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every infirmity among the people. 24 So his fame spread throughout all Syria, and they brought him all the sick, those afflicted with various diseases and pains, demoniacs, epileptics, and paralytics, and he healed them.”

Mark 16:15-18   “He said to them, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.  16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17 These signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will drive out demons, they will speak new languages.  18 They will pick up serpents [with their hands], and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not harm them. They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

Gifts and Charisms,  Diocese of Lafayette, Louisiana,

The Manifestation Gifts – Corinthian Gifts (1 Cor 12:7) (often referred to as the Charismatic Gifts)

“To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” 1 Cor 12:7 – There are different members, but ONE BODY – all function together. These gifts are free and are dispensed sovereignly by God upon His people for the good of others. These gifts are supernatural abilities bestowed upon individuals by the Holy Spirit. They are not natural abilities. These manifestations are for the common good of the Church and are not to be used to promote the importance of the person bearing the gift. – see Catechism references above. We do not ‘possess’ the manifestation gifts. We are the vehicles the Lord uses for the outpouring of His blessings upon His people. We are the ‘gift bearers’ and must function “with humility, willingness to take risks, trust in God, and love for our brothers and sisters in Christ” –Catechism of the Catholic Church. Christians open to the manifestation gifts of the Holy Spirit, to use them for their own building up and then for the building up of the church, should know what the gifts are and pray for the gift of discernment in when and how to use certain gifts. The Manifestation gifts consist of gifts of Insight/Revelation, gifts of Communication/Utterance, and Power/Dynamic gifts.


EXPRESSION OF KNOWLEDGE (WORD OF KNOWLEDGE) – a supernatural revelation of facts past, present, or future which we did not learn through the efforts of the natural mind – this is not to be confused with the knowledge we have acquired through the study of scriptures, Christian writings or other sources of information, including our own experiences. This is a supernaturally imparted Word. If we proclaim a healing or promise of salvation because of what we have studied, we are being presumptuous, not faith filled. True supernatural knowledge starts with knowing God personally, through Jesus Christ. Jesus and the disciples received many ‘words of knowledge’ from the Holy Spirit. See John 4:17-27, Matthew 17:27, Mark 5:36-40, Acts 5:1-9, Acts 3:1-10 (only a few!)

EXPRESSION OF WISDOM (WORD OF WISDOM / WISDOM IN DISCOURSE) – a supernatural insight given to the members of the Body of Christ which reveals God’s timing and method of ministry in a given situation. It explains or illuminates a given revelation such as a word of knowledge, discernment of spirit or the communication of revealed prophecy. This is not the same as wisdom we gain from our experiences in life or intellectual pursuits. It is not to be confused with the virtue (Baptismal gift) of wisdom. The ‘virtue’ of wisdom given at Baptism and affirmed at Confirmation is a lifelong gift which increases in us as we submit to those who instruct us on our spiritual journey. But a ‘word of wisdom’ is a supernatural revelation of God’s timing and method of ministry in a given situation.

DISCERNMENT OF SPIRITS – a supernatural ability to recognize whether a person or situation is being motivated by the Holy Spirit, their human spirit, an evil spirit or a combination of these spirits. The discernment of spirits is NOT everyday discernment used for making decisions, nor an insight into human nature that one might naturally possess, nor an adept ability to suspect something wrong in the motive of others. It is NOT the natural ability to assess situations. The discernment of spirits is a supernatural gift of revelation given for a specific situation This revelation can come through a vision, a sense, or a specific word similar to a word of knowledge. The gift of discernment of spirits is essential in ministry to people who have been involved in drugs, premarital sex, witchcraft, and other habits of grave sin, when they seek to change their lives. It is also important to pray for the gift of discernment when we listen to teachings or prophecies, read Christian or secular publications, and watch Christian or secular TV programs, movies, videos, or view websites. Discernment of spirits and Wisdom help judge and validate healings and miracles as well as prophecy and words of knowledge. As with the other gifts, a word of wisdom should be sought through quiet prayer before bringing forth what is being revealed.

Prayer ministers should expect this manifestation of the Spirit to come forth during prayer / healing ministry. Discretion and compassion to insure the dignity of the person receiving ministry are required. This manifestation gift requires commitment to deep prayer and maturity in the Spirit.


TONGUES – a spontaneous, inspired utterance by the Holy Spirit in which we use our voice according to the Spirit’s prompting. To speak or sing in Tongues or “to pray in the Spirit,” as it’s called, is what happens when a believer allows the indwelling Spirit to guide and form the words they utter. To pray, to speak or to sing in Tongues is to pray in what could be an earthly or heavenly language; a language current on the earth or one long dead, or it could be any one of countless dialects. Praying in tongues brings deliverance, inspiration, refreshment (both spiritually and physically), revival, wisdom and is a means to victory in spiritual warfare.    “Prayer tongues is a permanent gift in which you are edified. The Spirit prays within you according to Romans 8:26: ‘Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with signs too deep for words.’ The ministerial gift of tongues is really ‘speaking’ in tongues. In your prayer language you pray in tongues. When you minister to the community by anointed utterance this is ‘speaking in tongues’. There is a distinction. ‘The primary purpose of prayer tongues is to praise God. The gift of speaking in tongues, while praising God, has as its goal, the release of interpretation, or speaking God’s message.’ (Rev. Msgr. Vincent M. Walsh, Lead My People, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Key of David Publications, 1980, p. 54) – it is a calling forth of the ‘interpretation prophecy’. Praying in tongues is a permanent gift. Speaking in tongues is a transient gift used only when there is an anointing.” Rev. Robert DeGrandis. S.S.J., The Gift of Tongues, 1983, p. 6-7 (emphasis added).The gift of tongues is considered the “least” of the gifts, even though it is often presented as a very important manifestation of the baptism in the Spirit. It is the ‘gateway’ gift to the other gifts. If we humble ourselves in our relationship with the Lord so much as to yield to His Holy Spirit within us in order to ‘babble’ in a ‘strange tongue’, then we open ourselves so much more to surrender to the other gifts to be manifest in us for the good of the Church.

 Also see Catechism of the Catholic Church, # 688, 798-801, 2003, etc –

INTERPRETATION (OF TONGUES) – a prophetic message given in response to God’s signal of ‘speaking in tongues’ (rather than ‘praying in tongues’). If someone ‘speaks’ out in a tongue, there ought to be an ‘interpretation’. This can be brought forth by the person who has given the tongue, or it can be given by someone else in the group. It is the responsibility of leadership to make sure that NO praising, singing, scripture reading, or other prophetic tongue occurs until time has been allowed for the interpretation. We should be silent and wait upon the Lord, and we should pray for someone to have the confidence to deliver the interpretation and ask for it to come forth. Others receiving prophetic words before the interpretation is given should be encouraged to wait. Interpretation may come in a variety of ways, similar to the length and style of the tongue spoken; or it may be completely different, expressed in longer or shorter words, as a vision, a sense, an inspired thought or a symbol in pictures. The person with the interpretation may receive it as if the person speaking in tongues was speaking to them directly in their own language, or it may just be a phrase or a word that comes as the individual is speaking in tongues. The necessary ingredient for bringing forth a message in tongues or an interpretation is the willingness to trust God. This gift, like all the manifestations or gifts of the Holy Spirit, needs to be encouraged and called forth.

PROPHECY – a supernatural communication from God to an individual or a group of believers. It is an anointing given as the Spirit wills to anyone open to bringing forth a gift in love to their brothers and sisters in Christ to promote the spiritual growth and development of the body of believers.

Prophecy builds up, encourages (this could include warnings), exhorts and consoles draws us closer to God in worship, and stirs up a response in God’s people such as joy, freedom, peace, tranquility, excitement, enthusiasm, a willingness to give all to the Lord, and gives us guidance in our daily walk.. It always brings glory to Jesus. “…even if a prophecy corrects or calls one to forgiveness, this is a positive message from the Lord for the up-building of the community or person.” (DeGrandis, The Gift of Prophecy, p.31) Prophecy is “forth-telling” of the mind and heart of God to His people. Prophecy can manifest through a vision, words, and thoughts or be prompted by a form of physical sensation to alert us to listen. A person yielding to this gift must listen and expect that God will speak, and always yield to the authority and order of the event and yield to the authority/body for discernment. It is necessary to discern the message that is spoken, not necessarily to accept everything that is said as ‘gospel-truth’. Prophecy should always be discerned and tested by the body of believers present. Prophecy is not an ability given to someone to prophesy at will, but rather a definite message given at a particular time by the Spirit for a distinct purpose. Not all who prophesy are prophets (cf. 1 Cor 14:31). A prophet is a person who consistently over time expresses prophetic words which are powerful and which elicit a response from many in the group.


FAITH – a supernatural outpouring or anointing of the Holy Spirit which enables us to confidently believe without a doubt that what is spoken or undertaken in Jesus’ name will be accomplished. Faith involves entrusting oneself wholly to God and to believe absolutely and completely what He reveals. This supernatural anointing of faith is different than: historical or intellectual faith – which has not made connection with the real power of Jesus and doesn’t produce fruit (James 2:19); temporary faith – which has no root because the heart and mind have remained hard and the individual has never fully surrendered to Jesus (Matthew 13:3-8, 18-23); saving or justifying faith – which is just basic trust in God for salvation and involves the submission of our will to the Lordship of Jesus (Romans 5:1-2); faith in God – belief in the nature and essence of God and his everlasting love (Catechism p.49,50); faith as fruit of the Spirit – faithfulness to God regardless of circumstances but no connection with ministry gifts (Galatians 5:22); ministry faith – given to help us use our motivational gifts (Romans 12:2-8). The gift of the Faith of God is the supernatural faith that will heal, bring about miracles, and move mountains! It is given spontaneously and lasts long enough for God’s purpose of the moment to be accomplished. To minister in the Faith of God we should center our mind on God and open our spirits to receive words of knowledge and words of wisdom as well as His Faith – what he wants to do. (Further study is encouraged on the ‘Logos’ of the Word and the ‘Rhema’ of the Word to be used in ministry – that it is important to understand that we cannot take a scripture verse or passage which we have read and automatically apply it to the situation; we must listen and put on the mind and Faith of God and minister in the ‘Rhema’ of the Word – what God speaks to us ‘now’ at that particular moment..) See Acts 9:36-43, Acts 14:8-10, Genesis 21:2 with Romans 4:20-24, among others.

GIFTS OF HEALING (DIVINE HEALING) – supernatural outpourings of God’s power which results in the healing of sickness and disease without the use of medical means. This can involve “sickness” of the body, soul and/or spirit. God is interested in healing our total person. “…bring glad tidings to the poor” (materially and in spirit) …”proclaim liberty to captives” (those who are held in bondage to illness and sin by the evil one) …”recovery of sight to the blind” (physically and spiritually blind)… “let the oppressed go free” (setting the down-trodden free – inner healing and healing of memories –also “bind up the hearts that are broken” Isaiah 61:1) …”proclaiming a year acceptable to the Lord” (the healing of relationships – restoring property, freeing slaves, forgiving unpaid debts).   Jesus used many different methods of healing, such as laying on of hands, casting out demons, spitting and making mud then applying it, and proclaiming healing from a distance. Jesus is the healer. Even healings that come to us through the intercession of Mary and the saints are through their intercession with Jesus the Healer.

Healing is given as a manifestation of the Holy Spirit to build up, encourage, strengthen, make new or whole an individual or a group for the glory of God and the blessing of His people – to sanctify or to make holy the recipient, to glorify God, to build faith, to be a sign of the power and presence of God, to meet the need, to change the circumstances, to build up the Church. Healing may be physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual or relational. When we pray for healing, some type of healing comes, though it may not be specifically what we asked for. Healing is often accompanied with the gift of tears – a wonderful gift described by one of the saints as the “washing of the soul”. Joy also often accompanies healing and can be expressed through “holy laughter” or tears. Discernment of all the circumstances of the Divine Gift of Healing is necessary. Those in the Healing Ministry should be committed to receiving continuous teaching, deep prayer and the use of the sacraments, and open to the other manifestation or charismatic gifts, especially Word of Knowledge and Word of Prophecy.

MIRACULOUS POWERS (WORKING OF MIRACLES) – Miracles are interventions into the course of events which seem to contradict the so-called laws of nature. Through ‘working of miracles’ the Holy Spirit manifests the power of God to produce works which go beyond the natural: overriding natural laws, such as turning water into wine, multiplication of the loaves and fishes; healing beyond the ordinary, such as healing the withered hand (Luke 6:6-10), the replacement of an organ that is not there, disappearance of a tumor without surgery, making the blind see without surgery. The Lord bestows miracles to encourage, strengthen and support the faith of His people or to correct a given situation which cannot be accomplished by any natural means; or to show His power at work in response to a ministry of preaching or teaching. A miracle brings about awe and wonder at God’s power so that glory is given to God. Miracles, which always happen instantaneously, are a much more powerful sign of God’s presence and action than healings, which may be instantaneous, gradual or a speeded up recovery. The gift of Faith of God certainly has to be involved in the ministry of working miracles as one speaks the word of command in Jesus’ name without doubt and with full certitude and expectant faith.

Other Gifts That Could Manifest In Healing Prayer:

Resting in the Spirit – This gift is used to help those newly approached by the fullness of God.  The Holy Spirit will repair in “quick order” what “in time” would be done slowly.  Involves the Power of the Presence of God.  Involves Peace.  Allows recognition of God’s presence. 

Joy/Laughter – these gifts are given to protect the people from the enemy.

Bishop Sam Jacobs: “Question: What do you say to fellow Catholic who say ‘I don’t need the charismatic’.  Tell them they are charismatic because they are part of the Church.  It is not a discipline like being a Carmelite.  All by virtue of Baptism and Confirmation are charismatic.   The movement—the Renewal- is a way to share the awareness of the truth that the Church is charismatic.”

CCC 800 Charisms are to be accepted with gratitude by the person who receives them and by all members of the Church as well. They are a wonderfully rich grace for the apostolic vitality and for the holiness of the entire Body of Christ, provided they really are genuine gifts of the Holy Spirit and are used in full conformity with authentic promptings of this same Spirit, that is, in keeping with charity, the true measure of all charisms.