TOS145 Supernatural Wisdom of God for Simple & Life Changing Choices

Seeking wisdom to make wise decisions and choices with the Light of Christ allows us to not only make good life changing choices but also a difference in lives around us in our simple decisions.  Truth of the Spirit’sSimple & Life Changing Choices & the Supernatural Wisdom of God” with Patti Brunner shares that God’s wisdom is freely given; following that gift of wisdom is an act of free will.  Knowledge of supernatural wisdom helps us overcome fear of wrong choices and draw in God’s glory.

Welcome to Truth of the Spirit and our episode, “Simple & Life Changing Choices & the Supernatural Wisdom of God”.  I’m your host, Patti Brunner.

The differences in the lives of people sometimes hinge on a single choice.  A choice to give or not to give, a choice of saying “yes” when “no” should have been spoken, the choice to turn away, or turn over and go back to sleep.  Each day gives each of you hundreds of small choices in living out the life you have been given.  Ask the Counselor for Wisdom in making each choice—to train yourself in making good and wise choices so that they become a routine of nature for you. 

King Solomon was given the gift of wisdom by the Lord. (1 Kings 3:12) His wisdom was renown around the world and people flocked to him to hear it.  Even still, King Solomon got off track by ignoring God’s wisdom and chose a pathway to power and riches that led to the destruction of his nation by turning away from God by allowing and participating in the worship of false gods of his many wives.

Decision making is the base of freewill.  Why would anyone reject wisdom?  Yet it happens every day.  This is the sin of Adam and Eve.  This is the base of most sins in the scripture–the short-sightedness of the desires of men who, like the girl Veronica in the “Willie Wonka” movie says, “I want what I want, and I want it right now!”  The choices made with the Wisdom of God are good forever.  And they are good for the moment—even when they seem to deny immediate desires, they quickly prove best.  Certainly preparation of the conscience through training and knowledge is better when encompassing the gift of wisdom.

We need God’s wisdom and discernment as we make decisions, not just spiritual decisions. Instead of fear in making the wrong choices we need wisdom and light from God to counteract the darkness, the confusion and the deceit.

How do you access this gift?  ‘Ask’.  And then listen.  And then accept.  The wisdom of God is affirmed in scripture and through the Communion of Saints by the teaching of the Church.  The Lord who counts the hairs upon your head is also aware of your needs.

The Holy Spirit is with you and manifests God’s gift of wisdom when you turn your heart towards Him.

Accepting grace has always been an act of freewill. Rejection is also.  The continued need for “dying to self” shows the world’s many flaws.  Yet hope abounds in the in the anointing of the Spirit.  “Let go let God”.  Experience God’s peace.

Fear not, God’s wisdom dwells beneath the surface of the outer self in all who are baptized—yet the fullness of wisdom is rejected by many as they choose to disobey God’s commands.  Pray for wisdom to take root and flourish.  Deeply.

God has a plan for each of His children.  Like all children, we do not always follow the heart of our Father.  Many times, our rebellion leads us away from wisdom, away from years of preparation.  Too soon, we fail.  Too soon we choose the path of least resistance and in the process destroy the very Vocation that would bring peace, joy and fulfillment.

The Lord says,My Child, all need my help in choosing the path of life.  I send my Spirit among you to guide you, to instill in you my righteousness that you might choose in wisdom the path that ultimately leads you to the fullness of the kingdom.”

Romans 8: 28* says, “We know that all things work for good for those who love God,* who are called according to his purpose.u 29* For those he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, so that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.v  30And those he predestined he also called; and those he called he also justified; and those he justified he also glorified.w

Brothers and sisters, He has called you! The gifts of wisdom, understanding and so, are given so that you might comprehend the Glory of God.  In the Glory the ease comes as you trust your Lord and Savior with all facets of your life no matter how mundane or important—as they seem.  The contrition of the sinner awakens the soul, the heart, to accept the glory of God but it is through redemption that it is available. 

The manifestation gift ‘Word of Wisdom’ (1 Corinthians 12:8) is “a supernatural insight given to the members of the Body of Christ which reveals God’s timing and method of ministry in a given situation. It explains or illuminates a given revelation” –especially when and how to use some of the other charismatic gifts– “such as a word of knowledge, discernment of spirit or the communication of revealed prophecy.”  This is not the same as wisdom we gain from our experiences in life or intellectual pursuits.   “It is not to be confused with the virtue of wisdom. The ‘virtue’ of wisdom given at Baptism and affirmed at Confirmation is a lifelong gift which increases in us as we submit to those who instruct us on our spiritual journey.”

The everlasting needs of the people are met in Christ, with Christ, through Christ.  As you abandon your needs unto the Lord, indeed surrender them fully, you shall find your peace.  It is very difficult for most people to do this.  The urge for physical survival draws people to work out the solution of “What am I to wear” “What am I to eat.”  As you die to self and live for Christ the questions “How can I please You!” and “How will this ‘decision’ give glory to God?” will be deeply rooted in your heart and thus all anxiety disappears and the heavenly realm takes care of every need.  You’re thinking “how is that possible?”  Remember all things are possible for those called by God for God’s purpose. In Matthew 9:23 Jesus says, “Everything is possible to one who has faith.” In Romans 8:28 St. Paul writes, “28* We know that all things work for good for those who love God,* who are called according to his purpose.u

The Lord says:  “My child, the difficulty with discernment is always the need to recognize truth and then to allocate time and energy toward encompassing the truth into your life.”

That’s wisdom.  “As I have told you, many times,” the Lord says, “there are several choices that are within my will for you.  The choice is yours.  The choices you make bring the unique character of your psyche into the limelight.

One time when I was ministering at a conference, a young woman asked for prayer because she was stressed in making a decision on where to go to college and what to do with her live.  She was fearful of making the wrong decision.  The Lord responded by having me hold out my hand and tell her that God has provided her several choices that were all good.  He wanted her to know that whatever choice she made, He had her in his hand!  He has us in His hand!

The Lord says:  “My child, I have given you what you need. Look at what I have given you. When the enemy seeks to deceive and destroy he looks for the legal ways that seem to be truth but are twisted. Praying the word of God is a very powerful tool. Understanding and living the word of God is also quite powerful. Both draw on the power of God not the power of man.”

The enemy draws you ever inward and away from a relationship with God.  Hardness of heart is not a breastplate of righteousness but a breastplate of self.  How do you guard your heart? To be vulnerable to love requires surrender – not to sin but to the imperfections of others. Let God be the perfection of love.

Look about you—the troubled know not this—their habits are ‘frenzic’ (frantic), their choices are not based on wisdom but are happenstance and sometimes border on the edge of psychosis.

The Lord says:  “Fear not.  Ask my saints to intercede for the penetration of Wisdom and I will grant their petition.”

By accepting the Holy Spirit through baptism and then through other sacraments, the relationship with God is restored.  Salvation is a free gift purchased by the blood of Jesus. We cannot earn it – we can only accept it – or reject it. From the first moment of the resurrection nothing stood in the way of the outpouring of God’s love.  So why do some not seem to be full of the spirit? Does God withhold this love from us?  No – the only barrier to receiving Grace is all on us – our part of accepting or rebelling.

As you listen in the recesses of your mind, in the recesses of your heart, the Holy Spirit takes rest within you as you become a tabernacle for the Most High God.  Throughout the ages mankind has sought a close relationship with the Living God.  Some find it through ritual, some through theological wisdom and philosophy; some through prayers spoken and unspoken.  Relationship requires give and take. 

The Lord says:  “You give your heart to me and I give my heart to thee.  When our “minds” meet, our relationship deepens by wisdom and knowledge. When our physical bodies join, in Holy Communion, we become one as shown by the bridegroom and the bride.  Physical union is important as is spiritual and emotional union.  Mental union “sets” the table for the banquet fullness that follows.”

Do not fear the dark of night.  As the earth rests it is replenished.  It is the darkness in the hearts of men that should bring you to your knees.  It is this reason we bring the ‘Truth of the Spirit’ into being to bring light before them.  As you, yourself, recognize, you need reminders.  As the enemy bombards you and the world with false worries, lies, and hate you need the balance of hearing the Word of God, the Truth.   All of God’s Word is truth.  All truth comes from the Voice of God.  God spoke the universe into being.

As you become one with Christ you put on his “Nature” that of holiness and righteousness.

The Lord says:  “Lean not on your own understanding but lean on Me.  Continue to come before the Lord, before Me, to seek answers and rest.  I will give you rest.  I will give you wisdom and will guide you in the Way of the Lord.”  Every time you call upon my name, I am with you.  Each time I am sought, I will let you find Me.”

We are too blessed to be stressed!  God gives us each wisdom and strength as we make our daily choices.    The things of this world that seem so important will pass away.  Focus on the Lord.  Don’t be overwhelmed by watching the waves of the storm.  The Lord provides calm waters at just the right time.  There is a benefit of strong wind and stormy seas—it is part of your life, God’s creation.  Each storm has a purpose.  Ask to get the full benefit of these difficult times.  Let difficult times draw us nearer to God.  Jesus is our rescuer, our redeemer, our rock, our hope, our love!

The Lord says:  “My child as you sift through the events of the day, know this:  My love for you is unchanging.  It is complete; it is enough for you.  Fear not the ebbs and flows of grace.  What you need is provided when you need it.  Sometimes the world does seem to overwhelm my children.  Their own choices are a major part of this but, also remember,” the Lord says, “that there is no perfection in this world.  The decay that is a natural part of it witnesses this truth—However, I am perfection.”  The Lord says: “I am life.  I am the hope of many who seek my face.  When the eternal moment takes ‘time’ you shall see the heritage fulfilled.  Until then, remember to love, pray, have joy, and share.  These provide an abundant life—even in the midst of ‘imperfection’.”

The median age of America has drifted upward.  “Wisdom Years” are expected but without the wise elders who is there to emulate?  There is so little “time” to use your talents, to live the Beatitudes, to choose the narrow path and to be the elder for the next generation.

The Lord says, My child, in the evening twilight of life wisdom is a close friend.  The passions of youth have faded as the importance of God takes center stage.  Fear not the days coming upon you.  I am with you.  Fear not the new or the old—I give you all you need whenever you need it.”

If wisdom is a close friend then you know that God loves you! The Lord says, “This moment enters the foretaste of heaven.  This is the goal for all I have called you to do.  My children forget this.  Some have never realized it.  My children are given the gifts to help others to experience my love for themselves.  It is this truth—shared by the Giver of Life—the holy Spirit—that reveals Me.  Each person has unique needs yet with the presentations of truth and witness the Truth will set them free.”

My Brothers and Sisters, you can share God’s wisdom with others as you witness, witness, testify the goodness of the Lord.  When you share the good things the Lord has done for you it gives hope and expectation that allows faith to grow and love to manifest.  Continually take note of the Presence of God in your life.  When the extraordinary takes place, remember it.  Write it, speak it, share it.  The Church was built on the testimony of your brothers and sisters in Christ.  They testified their wisdom and knowledge. They also testified to the power and love manifesting in their lives through the Holy Spirit.  God the Holy Spirit is God the Testifier.  That sounds ‘funny’ doesn’t it!  It is the gifts of boldness and witness that Peter was able to speak to the 3000 new ‘converts’ on the day of Pentecost.  It was the Holy Spirit the Testifier who grabbed a hold of Paul and gave him an experience that rocked the world: Testifying into Paul’s spirit of the Truth of his Lord Jesus and the Testament of the prophets and writers of the scriptures.

Do not fear remembering the bad along with the conversion.  It is this that proves the glory of God.  Sharing your own experiences great or small edifies the body of Christ.  It builds your own faith and it glorifies your Father in heaven who, because He loves you so dearly, sent his Son to redeem you and his Holy Spirit to dwell within you to sanctify and to testify.

Continue to strive to teach and to learn wisdom.  Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you.  Modern marvels of technology are at your disposal yet the eternal marvel is the key.  The Lord says,Accept my gift to you.  Draw in my Spirit and all will happen with ease—draw in my Glory and all will happen with magnificence.”

How do we draw in His Spirit?  How do we draw His Glory?   Be still and know that He is God.  Comfort the sick, heal the dying, bring joy to the suffering.  When you teach a man to fish you feed him; when you teach about the healer, Jesus, you heal; when you teach about the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, you give comfort.  When you teach the Cross and the resurrection you give joy.  Draw to the Holy Spirit, ask for understanding and the Lord shall give it to you.

The everlasting realm of the spirit concludes the existence of the flesh until the magnification of the body occurs.  Until that time illness, pain, and suffering can arise as the body responds to sin, the effect of sin and the rebirth of the soul by grace.  Each time the Wisdom of the Lord comes down to abide in man, the goodness of God repairs the damages that respond according to the effect of sin.  Clarification comes as the soul is baptized, repentance washes it ‘clean’ all those through the salvation of your Lord Jesus Christ.

As St. Ambrose tells us, “Recall then that you have received the spiritual seal, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of right judgment and courage, the spirit of knowledge and reverence, the spirit of holy fear in God’s presence. Guard what you have received. God the Father has marked you with his sign; Christ the Lord has confirmed you and has placed his pledge, the Spirit, in your hearts.[1]

You’ve been listening to Truth of the Spirit.  I’m Patti Brunner.  As I identify words in this episode as from the Lord I remind you that these words are in the category of personal, private revelation and so I invite you to listen with a discerning heart and mind.  These words have encouraged me and the Lord has instructed me to share His words for your encouragement.  This has been episode 145, “Simple & Life Changing Choices & the Supernatural Wisdom of God.”  We invite you watch all of our past episodes.  They are available on our free YouTube channel. They are timely and timeless in God’s wisdom. Please subscribe, click like, and leave us a comment, then come back for more.  With the Holy Spirit there’s always more!  Amen.

[1] St. Ambrose, De myst. 7, 42 PL 16, 402-403.