TOS126 Know This Truth During Covid-19 and Beyond!

Know This Truth During Covid-19 and Beyond!; For audio only PPN

Truth of the Spirit with host Patti Brunner presents Know This Truth During Covid-19 and Beyond! This episode provides guidance by the Lord to help you realize how much God loves you even though we live in times of darkness. The condition of the kingdom on earth is not yet perfect; it is, however, the Lord’s. Those who accept the Lord’s grace in fullness bring the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. Part one of a two-part series.
Playlist available on YouTube: Know This!


A time has come in the history of America where those who follow the Lord, our God, and his commands are greatly outnumbered by those who reject Him, and who have turned their face from Him.  He calls his faithful servants to pray for those who would benefit by their prayers—friends, family, leaders, public officials.  Prayers of intercession allow God’s grace to penetrate hardened hearts; they still have the free will to choose to turn from the Lord, but your prayer will give them clarity in their decisions.

There is much the Lord wants our generation to know to give us clarity. 

In the darkness of the earth there came a great Light, and truth was seen, and truth was known.

God loves you.  Continue to reach out to Him for your own needs and desires.  Place your trust in Jesus.  He is your God and you are his people.

Welcome to Truth of the Spirit.  I’m your host Patti Brunner.

When I sit praying in adoration I converse with the Lord using pen and paper. It helps me remember what He says.  I always turn to the Lord for advice, understanding, and guidance when I’m preparing to share with others.  Other times, I just pour out my heart to Him in total trust.  Today I want to share some of the responses that the Lord has shared with me using the keywords “Know This”

Be open to the power of the Holy Spirit.  Prayer will be important to allow the flow of God’s grace into the hearts of each.   This is the Lord’s command:   Open your eyes.  The world around you seeks the destruction of all that is good, of all that is Holy but the Lord does not desire destruction and so He sends you, to speak his peace.  He sends you to lift the weary to continue their journey.  He sends you to heal the sick, give sight to the blind and to share the Good News.

Fear not past discretions.  Turn away from the darkness that once held you and be free to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus has chosen you, in this time, in this place. He loves you.  As you stop and stare, you can see many things that have eluded you in the past.  As you focus your vision you see minute details, you see the interconnection, the formation of the path laid down by others.  Enjoy the moment.  It is God’s gift to you. 

The next days may be difficult for you.  Come to the Lord and He shall give you rest.  The condition of the kingdom on earth is not yet perfect; it is, however, the Lord’s.   As you see those in need around you, some in dire need, some whose circumstances seem spiraling out of control, know this:  the world has allowed the control of evil over their lives and the lives of their children by worshiping false gods and by cursing the light and accepting the darkness into their hearts, into their very souls.

As the grace overcomes sin and darkness, as freedom fills the hearts of God’s children they can choose life or death.  God freely gives them the opportunity of the everlasting realm of glory, indeed God GIVEs it to them, yet they turn their face from Him.  Do not lose heart, for although you “see” destructive forces in action, the innocent of heart shall reap the kingdom.  Blessed are those who fear the Lord—they shall be called the children of the Lord and thus shall inherit the kingdom.  Those who accept the Lord’s grace in fullness bring the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.   Strive to work unceasingly to the end of the earth to share the Good News.  The Gospel of Truth and Light shall rescue many.

The everlasting joy of the kingdom of God can be felt on earth as it is in heaven.  The joy of the kingdom is based on the freedom to love and to be loved in total awareness.  Truly this is the base of joy.  The darkness seeks to cover love –to hide it by deceitfulness and lies.  As one is bidden to hide love for another so as to limit vulnerability, the failure to ‘feel’ love causes all sorts of issues.  At times the people cannot love their families because of the darkness of sin in their lives, but the Father always loves His children and the family, each and every one.  So what is the answer?  Love with all your heart all your soul all you mind and love others as yourself.  The Lord, God, is the Alpha and the Omega – the beginning and the end.  All who come to Him will find truth and the truth will set them free.

The gorgeous sunset, the imperial sunrise, the majesty of the ocean, the infinity of the night sky – all these pale beside the love He has for you, each of you.  You are more delightful to Him than any of these His creations.  Know this the next time you begin to feel ‘worthless’ or ‘unloved’.  The truth shall set you free.  As you sit in His Presence know this: God loves You.

The drifting sand of time shows the work of the Evil One who laid the groundwork to diminish hope in things seen so that the hope in things unseen would also lack.   Be of good Cheer.  Allow joy to return into your heart.  As you seek good—good will follow.  Disappointment will affect you from time to time but know this:  The Hope the Lord gives never disappoints.  It is, for all, the clue to everlasting joy.  The Lord’s hope is fulfilled—always.  It is the promise of things unseen.  It is the mark of faith in search of Perfect Love.   Come re’-enter a time of Hope.  Cross with the Lord the ‘threshold of Hope’.   The Lord gives you abundant life.  In hope, through hope, expect the abundant life to be given to all and by your hope it shall be done.

St. John Paul II wrote in his book ‘Crossing the Threshold of Hope’, in 1995, that “In knowing God “face to face” man encounters the absolute fullness of good.” And that “the vision of God “face to face” allows enjoyment of the absolute fullness of truth.” [Crossing the Threshold of Hope, 1995, Pope John Paul II, page 71.]

 As you continue to seek the Face of the Lord, know this:  The time has come and gone for waiting.  It is now the time of receiving and the pouring of blessing.  Unite to one another in love, devotion, and in friendship for one another. Enter the very heart of your God.

In recent days there have been wild fires and hurricanes.  As you concern yourself at the plight of the people, know this:  God loves them.  In the course of nature the injury inflicted on areas that are not habitable shows the effect of man’s freewill and decisions to go against the common face of nature for profit, gain and pleasure.  The shifting sands of time reclaim that which was normal.  The Lord does watch over the people who are affected by the choices of others.  Jesus is with them even unto death and judgement; they are not alone.  God hears your prayer and shall open the gates of “possibility” for the children to find freedom in Christ.  It is their decision.  He shall comfort the people, as always.  Know that God loves them as a sweet babe in arms, as a wayward child, as an aged parent that need the hand of the Lord to rescue them and hold them.  But, know this, when they choose to turn away from Jesus—not as a Babe or a child but as a mature adult who makes decisions rationally, they are lost. 

As people continue to grow they will begin to search for truth, for light, for the tools with which to grow.   The Lord has called many over the years to meet their needs.  The drink of water in the desert is not questioned; it is drunk without concern for the type of water not the temperature or flavoring.  Know this:  truth shall give refreshment!

Concern for the emotions, time spent listening, sharing Christian experiences—these are all good.  God loves you and is with you even as you choose to do evil –to sin– and choose to turn your face from Him.  Look back to God.  He awaits your return.

These are the Basics:  God loves. God loves!  Jesus saves.  The Holy Spirit teaches.  God Our Father is perfect; human parents are not but they are sent by the Father to love and care.  First they must be loved and cared for by their own parents.  Forgive them, for they know not what they do. [Luke 23:34]

As the angels delight in providing help to You, know this:  service to the Lord, your God, your King, ranks high in the desire of all who know Him, who see His face.  Continue to serve the Lord in all that you do.  Continue to reach out to the lost, the forsaken and those who are ignorant of truth.  God loves.  God is love; God is joy; God is peace.  His peace He gives you.  He fills you with joy.  His love transforms you as you transcend into the heavenly realm of his kingdom.

Continue to stretch and grow. The Eternal Word does not change.  Spoken upon the waters entering time so as to touch the lives of mankind, the Word is, was, will be.  This time on earth, this Kyros, this appointed time for “purification” is like the fire in the forest that quickly burns the decay and allows new growth.  The “flash fire” allows the pods to release their purpose.  It is not to be seen as destruction but rebirth.

The Lord calls you to step forward, again and again, to witness the power of His love.  He calls you to teach, to heal, to share the Good News as you proclaim it to the people who are drawn to listen.  Forget not the underlying cause of the Gifts of Grace:  Love.  As He sends forth the Spirit into your life, know this first:  God loves you.  Know this:  the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven shall be done according to the will of the Father.  It is done.  As time unfolds you shall see this and many shall thus believe.  Blessed are those who believe yet who cannot see with their personal eyes only with the spiritual.  Continue to seek the Lord.  Continue to lift your family to the Lord.

Know this: God loves you, He desires your peace and joy.  The world has drifted away from truth.  It seeks to satisfy selfish needs and in the process destroys the peace and hopes of others.   Know that God is your strength!

As the universe displays God’s majestic creation so too do your children display His glorious love.  Each of them were created in love by love for love.  Each has taken the choices of their free will.  Each have been limited by various forces — some beyond their control — some in heritage, some environmental.  Know this, eternity is much more than what you can imagine.  As each of your children live in this world they face issues, which test and strengthen them; as do all God’s beloved.  The difficult reactions, the difficult choices, the different choices, the different events in their lives all have been the casting that has been molding them.  When a crack appears in the mold it causes a flaw that must be sanded and buffed.  When large flaws occur in people, the Creator must rework the clay to fill in the gap — adding or removing portions that seem to distort the molding but it actually is a restoration to the creator’s intent.

Love your children.  That is all that is required.

Drift into the Lord’s peace.  You shall run and not grow weary.  You shall sing and dance and laugh.  Is taking care of the kingdom serious work?  Yes.  Can it be tedious and demanding?  Yes.  But know this:  the will of the Lord is for eternal joy, peace and fulfillment.  He does not destroy to give life.  The enemy destroys; The Lord restores.   As you continue to soak away the grime of sin and the dead layers of selfishness, the person left–the fullness of your creation–will emerge.     

 The continuing needs of the people show the underlying need: for a Savior and for the restoration of the Kingdom of God in the fullness of time.  As you reach out with the hands of Christ and touch the lives of the sick, the infirm, the ones who in body and spirit are in battle, know this:  The Presence of God in the Body of Christ heals.  Healing can be accepted.  Grace can be rejected.  As healing grace penetrates it is “activated” by faith.  It is substituted for the “lie” of the world and life is transformed.  As ignorance is replaced by knowledge, so too does the grace of the kingdom truth replace the darkness of the soul.  Whenever you are lost, Christ can show you the Way.  Follow Him

Know this:  the Author of Life has allowed the pen to comfort you, to guide you, to teach you, to promise so as to give hope.  The Word is Truth set down for all to see—plainly and hidden.  As you verify with the writings of the Church Fathers know that they see in part as the Spirit reveals to them.  Pray for all eyes to be opened, for truth to be revealed, for hearts to be transformed by the Word of God.  Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!     Listen.

The everlasting kingdom of God is available for all who turn their hearts to the Lord.  Many seek happiness without ever realizing that true happiness is stationed with the arms of the Father who art in heaven.  As you speak to those who seek to enter the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, to profess their belief in the Church established before the creation the world to show the path, the Way of salvation and to nourish the followers of Christ Jesus, as you speak, remind them that God loves them. 

You’ve been listening to Truth of the Spirit.  I am sure you noticed how many times the Lord asked me to remind you that He loves you.  It is the key thing the Lord wants you to know.  We will present a part two of “Know This!” in our next episode.  We invite you to subscribe so you don’t miss it.  And then come back for more.  With the Holy Spirit there’s always more!  Amen.