TOS063 Lenten Logos III – Choosing Repentance

TOS063 Lenten Logos III – Choosing Repentance For audio TOS063: Lenten Logos III – Choosing Repentance – Truth of the Spirit (podcast) | Listen Notes   

Everyone wants to go to heaven when they die. Interior conversion and repentance is found by developing relationship with God. One of the deadly effects of sin is that we lose our awareness of sin. We, in our sinfulness, and those who sin against us may be acting out of habit. The more frequently we receive the sacrament of Reconciliation, the more we are aware of our sin. Join us on Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner on this episode of the season of Lent series, Lenten Logos III – Choosing Repentance.

It is in the gift of freewill that we are truly made in God’s image. Our conscience may not be completely well-formed, but the understanding of right and wrong—the law of good and evil—is placed in all mankind, since creation, by the gift of reason. So it is our choice: to do evil, to do good, to be self-centered, to be giving, to turn to the ‘dark side’, to repent.

We are each loved, each given a ‘measure of faith’. We are not forced into evil; we are tempted and make a choice. No matter what we are ‘predisposed to’ according to our upbringing, each of us can choose. Each man chooses of his own freewill. The everlasting joy that is the ‘fiber’ of the kingdom comes from the alignment with God’s perfect will. You have choice—free will. When you choose the will of the Father, untold wealth and happiness is yours. Sometimes the decision is masked—faith is required to trust in the Way of the Lord. The decision of each man, woman, child to accept the kingdom of God as truth, as the Way, as life, centers on a surrender of self for the benefit of others—including for the benefit of pleasing God. When one steps out of ’self’ —whether ‘self-preservation’ or ’selfish pleasure’ or ’selfish wealth’ or ’self-centered fear’— When one steps out of ’self’ the kingdom can be attained. Being ‘one’ with the Lord requires you to ‘die to self’.

Before we can admit our sinfulness we must be humble. How do you empty yourself of pride? Humility is not putting yourself down and refusing compliments. It is not being reserved and shy. You can be humble and bold at the same time; it is called “being docile to the Holy Spirit”. Humility is the realization of God’s influence upon your life. Humility is the comprehension that everything you have: your ability, your wealth, your health, your faith, your intelligence, your family, your job, everything is a gift from God. Even your freewill to choose is a gift from God. One place that’s easy to feel humble is sitting on the beach at the ocean. Watching the waves and the surf is mesmerizing and gives a sense of eternity and the magnificence of God and how small we are. The difference in the amount of sand that is deposited by the wave seems to make no difference to anyone. Yet, with time islands can be made or swept to the sea. Think of the times that pride is most easily swept away: when you are tired, sick, or sorrowful. Aren’t these the times we ask for God’s help? These could also be times of intensified temptation by the enemy because he recognizes we are becoming humble by acknowledging our weakness, our sinfulness and our need for God. Christ said that we must be as little children to receive the fullness of the kingdom.

The Lord says, “Abide in me, and I will abide in you”. It is only by being one with the Father that you can actually be the completely unique creation that the Lord intended at your creation. For it is then that you stop bending according to the wind of the world’s desire and judgement and you stand tall in the Light of Christ. The ‘everyday living and choosing’ measure your potential for kingdom fruit. As you ‘produce’ this fruit, others are fed and enriched as the kingdom also enters their lives. The Lord wants you to choose wisely. You ask for the stars and the moon and He gives them to you, He does not infringe on the freewill of his children but He does provide the necessary grace for salvation.

In the beginning of the Mark’s Gospel John the Baptist quotes the prophet Isaiah as he preaches, “A voice of one crying out in the desert: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.’” Prepare ye the Way of the Lord. When we go off the path, he calls to us, “Cry out to all to repent and to listen to the Lord and change our ways.” Did you know that the wagon trail to the American West was littered with furniture and heavy items? Things that seemed so precious at the beginning of the trek lost their attraction and priority. Parts of that trail were narrow and difficult yet it was marked clearly with ruts cut deep where others had gone before. Each man must travel the road to the salvation of the ages to embrace it.

As soon as we recognize the sin in our lives we are called to repent. Repentance calls us to change our daily routine and to avoid the path that leads us into sin. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. When we follow the path ‘blazed’ by Jesus and traveled by his followers over the centuries we can still lose our way if we get distracted by tempting side roads. In Christ the mountains are made low and the road is made straight. It is the baggage we carry that makes the road difficult. All along the trail, the Lord gives us time to unload and rest. Rest in his Love, trust in our God, but carry the big stick – The Cross—with you always – a reminder of the sin of the world. Jesus has conquered sin yet it still exists in the hearts of man.

Stumbling stones in our path can be small troubles that snowball until they are so huge that we think that we’ll never get past them. If we focus only on the problem, it will fill our lives with distress and we will lose hope. But if we focus on Jesus and trust God, we can live through the trial. Hope in Christ reminds us that spring follows winter and that our “snowball” of troubles will eventually melt. Look towards the heavens as you stumble rather than staring at the stumbling stone. Look at the goal and not the diversions that cause you to pause. Pausing is okay but the goal is what really matters. The Lord’s goodness awaits the faithful servant. Truly, I say to you, the path of the Lord involves cleansing and clearing. God’s ways are not our ways. As you reach into the darkness and bring the Light, truth is revealed. The world exists by truth. The truth is, God loves you so much!

Do you have a problem with forgiveness of others? Try this: repent being offended! Repent your reaction to others who offend you. The people who love us and the people who are supposed to love us, especially our parents, wound us in their weakness. Although it is easy to confess their sin and claim our “righteous anger”, it is forgiveness that is needed because unforgiveness and festered hurts cause our own destruction. The enemy takes an action and twists it in our minds. Sometimes “offenders” don’t even realize what they’ve done. We are greedy to take offense. When we are offended and feel sorry for ourselves, we feel “justified” by our negative actions/reactions. We voice our indignation and elevate ourselves above the feelings or needs of others. We center the universe round ourselves. Instead, we could minimize the effect of sin to us, and thus to others, by compassion, forgiveness, prayer and reconciliation. The more you give the more you will receive.

Please discover that repentance for your own reaction and forgiveness of others opens the heart for healing. “Hate the sin, love the sinner.” Loving the sinner is not to minimize the sin or accept it. Our tolerance should not allow sin to flourish but should work at eliminating the cause of the sin without destroying the sinner. Jesus calls us to ‘turn the other cheek’ and “walk the extra mile”. Turn it all over to the Father: His justice, His healing. Have you noticed that when others sin against us, we ask God to smite them but when we sin against others, we beg for mercy? By recognizing the needs of others and asking God’s help we facilitate healing to them and us for the effect of the sin. Until they are healed, we are affected by their hurt and their reaction to their hurt; until we are healed, others are affected by our hurts and our reaction to our hurts.

One of the deadly effects of sin is that we lose our awareness of sin. We, in our sinfulness and those who sin against us may be acting out of habit. Habitual sin “build-up” can bury the base of love that is placed in the hearts of parents for their children. God, our Father, is the only perfect father. The more frequently we receive the sacrament of Reconciliation, the more we are aware of our sin. The longer we hold sin in our hearts the less sin seems to matter and we can delude ourselves into dismissing the sinfulness of our actions. A Catholic evangelist told this story relating being clogged by sin to a clogged drain. He said that if you’re not getting anything out of the Mass you may be “clogged”. Just like a clogged drain, no matter how much stuff you pour in nothing goes down. Going to Confession will poke a hole in the clog and allow grace to enter and start cleaning the line.

Everyone wants to go to heaven when they die. We must learn how to live our lives with our hearts on that goal. Interior conversion and repentance is found by developing relationship with God. As we come to know God as our loving Father we want to please him and receive his approval. And so we turn from sin and imitate his goodness. But remember—it is not in serving the world or doing good works that brings the Father glory, even though it is consoling—it is following the will of the Father that brings everlasting joy and peace. Continue to seek righteousness. God’s Glory abounds as honor is given where honor is due. Seek the Lord’s kingdom with all your heart and you will see God. His face will not be hidden from you and the keys will not be taken away from you. Send your praise to the Lord every day. Send praises in joy for that which you already have and that which is to come. Your help is in the Lord who made heaven and earth. Trust Him with your whole heart and soul and you will know Him, truly.

As we build relationship with Christ, our bridegroom, love consumes us. We desire to be with him all the time, to be one with him. He draws us within himself and we become one body. We submit to his authority and follow his way of doing things. We want him to be proud of us and when He presents us to his father we want to join him at the Father’s right hand. Hide yourself in the Heart of Jesus. It is there that you will enter the Kingdom by the Gate and you will be placed at the right hand of the Father. Abide in Christ and the realms of glory will be available unto you, for it is in the realm of Glory you shall see the Face of God and live.

As we build relationship with the Holy Spirit, we are taught about love, power and the Kingdom of God. The Spirit convicts us of our sin by teaching us the law and by placing the desire to obedience in our hearts and minds. Abandon your life unto the Most Holy Spirit. Dwell in the love, peace and unity that dwell in Christ Jesus.

Repentance requires change. It goes beyond being sorry for our sins; it is a turning away from sin toward God. It is not a one-time event but is ongoing; we are called to continual repentance. Forgive, repent and ask forgiveness. We can do this with Jesus and the power and graces of the Holy Spirit. Continue to walk in His ways; if you do not know the Way, learn it; if you cannot find the Way, ask for help; if you cannot follow the Way, repent.

Let us pray:
†Father, we pledge our commitment to follow the course of our faith. Thank You, Lord, for bringing us to You in this moment. Every day we will lift our hearts and minds to You. We promise to seek You with all our hearts. Come Holy Spirit; fill the hearts of your faithful. Enkindle in us the fire of your love! As You change us in fire and love, so too the world will never be the same. Open our hearts, break all barriers, and set us free from sin, O Lord. We seek your divine help, we rely on your love and we trust in your goodness. Heavenly Father, grant to us the understanding of your kingdom, of your plan for us. Bless us as we continue the course laid out before us. May the glory of the Lord be upon us and we shall be changed for in the fullness of your Holy Spirit we are free and we are united as one in your kingdom.

Most of this podcast is taken from my book, Lenten Logos. It is not an exercise for fact finding or for “head knowledge”. It is taken from things that the Holy Spirit taught me about Lent. It is designed to open your heart to understand God’s love for you. As your mind is renewed and opened to the Lord, more and more will Truth be made clear. If you would like to read the blog of this episode you can find it on my website: You’ve been listening to Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner. I invite you to subscribe—it’s free! And come back for more. With the Holy Spirit there is always more!