TOS131 Holy Spirit – The Extreme Transforming Force

Holy Spirit – Extreme Transforming Force; For audio podcast PPN

Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner explains how the Holy Spirit, using sacraments and charisms, is an Extreme Transforming Force that can transform culture by transforming individual hearts to fulfill God’s plan and Divine Will.
Playlist link: The Sacraments


There is a television show called “Extreme Makeover”.  They take a house that is in disrepair, disheveled, flawed, cluttered or just flat out ugly and using skilled and unskilled labor they refresh, tear out and build up as they remodel the dwelling into a home of beauty.  They don’t destroy the house and start over but transform what is available.  God sends us the Holy Spirit, the Extreme Transforming Force.  And with our permission, we are transformed.

Welcome to Truth of the Spirit.  I’m your host, Patti Brunner.  Today we are going to discuss the Holy Spirit the Extreme Transforming Force.

We are living in difficult times.  We are NOT living in hopeless times.  The Holy Spirit has come among us to fill us with grace and power to encourage the Church, to build up the Body of Christ, to transform us and thus bring transformation to our culture and to our world.   The Holy Spirit provides a salve to the wounded.  We must fear not, even as the fiery darts of evil seem to aim directly at our heads and hearts.  We fear not because the Lord is with us always, just as he has promised through the ages. 

The intention of evil is to steal, kill and destroy.  The main weapon of evil is deception and greed through pride.  Our best defense is to humble ourselves before the throne of the Lord.  In our admitted weakness and surrender to God he sends supernatural gifts of grace to sustain and transform us.  As the Blessed Virgin Mary surrendered to the Holy Spirit she was transformed to the Mother of God and became a mighty intercessor for the world. 

In our generation the Holy Spirit is pouring out transforming grace.  It is a season to be shared to share hope and truth.  Each person is called to be obedient to the move of the Spirit.  One action releases another which is built on the foundation of the cornerstone. All roads taken by the direction of the Lord lead not just yourself but others to the Lord.

 Let the Word of the Lord bring a salve to your wounded heart.  Paul wrote to the Ephesians, chapter 2, in Christ Jesus “you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.”  What does that mean?  As you surrender to God, the Holy Spirit not only moves into your heart the Holy Spirit renovates, restores and transforms your heart.

What sort of transformations might you expect?  The Holy Spirit transforms our attitudes about wanting others to change so they can make us happy.  Pride, especially spiritual pride, causes us to be judgmental of others.  The Holy Spirit helps us change our own attitudes and actions so that we can please God.  God knows what is in the hearts of mankind.  

The Holy Spirit awakens our heart to comprehend sin.  Things and habits that we did not recognize as sinful are brought into focus.  The Spirit leads us away from the near occasions of sin and helps us recognize the moral quality of our actions.  In developing a good conscience the Holy Spirit allows us to grasp the effect of our sin upon the entire Body of Cross. There is no sin that doesn’t affect others.  As a special grace, we can recognize the effect of our particular sins upon Christ on the cross. Repentance galvanizes transformation.

As the Spirit of God takes up its rest the heart is transformed and the kingdom of God is “expanded” within that heart and lives are changed.  As the Spirit of God dwells upon the earth the Kingdom of God does also.  “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand” truly points the Way.  It is the Way of the Word of God.  And the Word was made flesh that all might be saved.  As man rejects, as man refuses to accept, as man lives in ignorance—these issues interfere and barricades the life giving grace of the Kingdom. “Turn, O turn to the Lord and be saved.”  Be transformed, by the Breath of God, by the fire of the Holy Spirit.

   As grace continues to change lives, the grace provides light on the particular focus of each unique life.  Without fulfillment of God’s plan—who knows the number of hairs on Your head—the fullness of fulfillment is lacking.  In God’s sovereign power the majority find their Way yet freewill allows many to turn away as they embrace darkness.   What wonderful things have not taken place because we have rejected God’s plan?  As always, “repent”.  As Peter repented his denial so must you.  Seek to glorify God even in hard times—for these shall pass away but His love shall never pass away.

The grace of Pentecost that the Apostles experienced continues to be poured out on individuals today.  The Holy Spirit transforms some hearts very gradually.  Others the Spirit floods with transforming grace.  Those who have an immediate transformation can become passionate evangelists, willing to share the good news with whoever will listen.  These are quick to share: “I was blind and now I see; I was lost and now am found.”  What wonderful testimonies to the power of God!

When a life-changing transformation begins, it can look like a loose firehose.  There are many stories of saints who were chastised by their superiors who could not comprehend this transformation by God.  It can overwhelm or frighten family and friends who have no frame of reference to spiritual awakening as it changes ‘life as usual’. Sadly, some then seek to hide their light under a bushel basket and reject what God is doing in their lives.  Others drift easily from established friendships and routine and seek those who can relate to a soul on fire for the Lord.  How wonderful it is when the newly transformed can find community with understanding souls who can provide information and teaching about God’s abundant life of grace.  The Lord allows us to build strong bonds with those who can encourage us and offer advice and prayer when the enemy tries to derail his plan for us.  As you accept God’s love and grace you shall be transformed, and thus you shall love others.  And then your love shall act.

We are transformed glory to glory.  The Lord of Creation continues to deepen the depth of his love within our lives.  He allows us to build our witness through struggles and through amazing discoveries and experiences.  Like the seasons of the earth we are given seasons of grace in our lives where we live, grow and share.  St. Therese of Avila once said that when we are heading from a mountaintop experience into the valley of barrenness, of desolation, it is not punishment but the opportunity to prepare for the journey to an even higher and greater mountaintop.  When the Lord seems to close or open particular doors, we can confidently trust that his transforming way is blessing.  Laying down particular ministries can be a part of focusing more directly on ministering to God by following his divine plan for us.   His plan will allow us to affect others in particular and unique ways.

The continuing needs of the people show the underlying need: for a Savior and for the restoration of the Kingdom of God in the fullness of time.  A key part of the transformation process in the life of faith is when through the Holy Spirit by the redemption of Jesus we are given the sanctifying graces of sacraments.  There are seven: Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist, Reconciliation (also known as Penance and Confession), the Anointing of the Sick (also known as Extreme Unction), Holy Orders and Matrimony.  The Catechism of the Catholic Church #1116 explains “Sacraments are “powers that come forth” from the Body of Christ, which is ever-living and life-giving.  They are actions of the Holy Spirit at work in his Body, the Church.  They are “the masterworks of God” in the new and everlasting covenant.””   Catechism #1123 clearly states “The purpose of the sacraments is to sanctify men, to build up the Body of Christ and, finally, to give worship to God.”  Paragraph 1129 shares, “The Church affirms that for believers the sacraments of the New Covenant are necessary for salvation.  “Sacramental grace” is the grace of the Holy Spirit, given by Christ and proper to each sacrament.  The Spirit heals and transforms those who receive him by conforming them to the Son of God.  The fruit of the sacramental life is that the Spirit of Adoption makes the faithful partakers in the divine nature [cf 2 Peter 1:4] by uniting them in a living union with the only Son, the Savior.”

In Christ you have been formed; in Christ you have been transformed.  In Christ, through Christ with Christ—all the days of your life—and beyond! As part of the transformation process, the Lord also releases the special charisms that have been given to the Church since the first Pentecost and have been frequently given to our generation. The simplest charism is the Gift of Tongues. One of the ‘Varieties of Tongues’ charism is a prayer language—praying perfect prayer thru Holy Spirit.  Praying in Tongues allows God to transform our minds and hearts as we surrender our flawed prayer for perfect prayer.   We surrender our will to God’s perfect Divine Will.  The Gift of Tongues is undeniably the presence of the Holy Spirit thus praising God in Tongues brings us into his presence.   As others pray for us in Tongues we can benefit by God’s presence especially inner healing.  Those who experience Resting in the Spirit also called “Being Slain by the Spirit” have a one on one healing session with the Divine Physician or a private retreat with the greatest Retreat Master!  Inner Healing exercises repair memories of our past and prepare us to more fully accept God’s transforming love. Other spiritual exercises improve our comprehension of God and thus transform our ability to love.

Witnessing the love of God without barrier, the charism of Healing builds faith as physical and inner healing takes place.  As the servant of God mentions or calls out the healing and the person recognizes the healing then affirms it, each are blessed by the power of God.  As you reach out with the hands of Christ and touch the lives of the sick, the infirm, the ones who in body and spirit are in battle, know this:  The Presence of God in the Body of Christ heals.  Healing can be accepted even when the “idea” of grace can be rejected.  As healing grace penetrates it is “activated” by faith.  It is substituted for the “lie” of the world and life is transformed.  As ignorance is replaced by knowledge, so too does the grace of the kingdom truth replace the darkness of the soul.  Whenever you are lost, Christ can show you the Way.  Follow Him.

Healing recurs as concrete proof of my love and concern for the people, but healing of the body is temporary and is meant to ease suffering during life on earth.  Look more deeply at the passages that reveal the path to eternal life.  Notice that life passes away even for those chosen to witness the glory of the Lord on earth and those who travelled with Jesus did not avoid suffering in their life on earth—signifying the grace that is needed to brace against “hard times”. 

The Holy Spirit releases gifts of grace and charisms that transform and build up the Body of Christ on earth, charisms which help the Church carry on the mission and ministry of Jesus. The gift of Prophecy makes it possible to hear the Voice of God and to see Visions.  These encourage us to rely on Holy Spirit and provide direction for teaching, counseling and prayer. Listen and be healed.  As Jesus called the 12 He now calls the listeners.  Each listener is as important to God as was the first twelve.  Not all are called to the “complete” focus of these men but each is “sent forth” to share all that they have been given.

The gifts of Wisdom and Understanding of the Word allow using the Word of Wisdom to bring faith, healing, and comprehension to proclaim and share the God’s Word.   The Holy Spirit’s gift of Administration gives us a supernatural ability to organize and to share God’s transforming force.  The Holy Spirit’s gift of Evangelization allows us to step out before others to witness and share the Truth.

Our transformation is not complete without trials and difficulties. Certainly the sanctifying gifts and charismatic gifts sustain us in our transformation and help us to overcome trials and difficulties and when we can’t accomplish all we desire. What sorts of difficulties?   The freewill of others affects your plan.   In Luke 12:49 Jesus said to his disciples:  “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!”  Not accepted in your home region and family?  In Nazareth Jesus said in Luke 4:24,  “Amen, I say to you, no prophet is accepted in his own native place.” And in Jesus’ hometown, verse 29 “They rose up, drove him out of the town, and led him to the brow of the hill on which their town had been built, to hurl him down headlong.”  This difficulty in the beginning of his life in the Spirit ministry did not stop Jesus.

Our transformation is built on the trials of sickness.  The death of loved ones are part of God’s permissible Will.  As we face trials we can be too stressed to be blessed or, through the power of the Holy Spirit, too blessed to be stressed.  Seeds are planted; hope gives peace in the midst of Chaos.

We are called by the Lord to take the gifts of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, and run with them!  When you run on your own you will get weary.  Rest and take up the yoke with Jesus and the load will lighten.  Refresh in the river of grace.  Float a while.  Rest, then jump back in and hold the tow line of Jesus until your spiritual muscles are revived.  Then let the current of the Spirit take you where you need to be.  Trust God!  When you are on fire with desire of transformation this shows the Lord drawing you into his kingdom.   Just because it stretches you out of your comfort zone, this is not an indication that it is not a call from God—on the contrary.  As God enlarges the tent pegs it will stretch you to your limits.  Pray to be open to God’s plan. 

He will always provide the grace necessary to do that which He calls you to do.  Like blowing up a balloon—it is stretched beyond its resting limits.  It’s not the balloon but the air—the breath—within it that shapes and gives dimension.  It is the grace—the breath of the Holy Spirit—within you that gives transformation to the fullness of shape and dimension.  Only when the balloon is fully stretched and filled does it complete its purpose!  God’s love transforms you as you transcend into the heavenly realm of His kingdom.   Continue to stretch and grow.

Remember that each person brings to the table their unique talents and gifts and their unique calling from the Lord.  These set beside the problems and needs of each individual.  You cannot “fix” everything; nor can you set aside your personal experiences to witness a “plan” revealed but not understood.  It is here where transformation mandates that we persevere to live in Spirit.

Pray for all eyes to be opened, for truth to be revealed, for hearts to be transformed by the Word of God.

 Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of us your faithful and kindle in us the fire of Your love.  Send forth Your Spirit and we shall be created.  And you shall renew the face of the earth. 

O God who by the light of the Holy Spirit instructs the hearts of the faithful, grant, that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolations.  Through Christ our Lord.

Come Holy Spirit; fill us with your gifts of wisdom and ministry.  Open our hearts to your will.  Be our helper, always at our side.  Guide us in the days and weeks and months ahead to follow your path.  Amen.

You’ve been listening to Truth of the Spirit.  We invite you to share this message and to subscribe. It’s free.  We invite you to check out the Truth of the Spirit series on each of the seven sacraments.  We put together a playlist on YouTube to help you find them easily, and we’ll put a link in the description below.  And then come back for more.  With the Holy Spirit, there’s always more!  Amen.