TOS137 More Advent Pearls –Words of the Lord

More Advent Pearls – Words of the Lord;

For audio podcast PPN

Truth of the Spirit episode “More Advent Pearls – Words of the Lord”. With host Patti Brunner we invite you to listen and enter the realm of the Lord’s Presence. The Lord has said the following words during past seasons of Advent. They are both timeless and timed perfectly for you. These messages to the people of the world are beyond “I love You”. They are beyond a call to repentance. They are a call to enter into the realm of God’s presence.


Many years ago,after I had written “Advent Pearls”, a book of the Lord’s words of encouragement during Advent, and my first radio show, Living Seasons of Change, had aired, the Lord told me,  “as you record your future shows you shall be able to incorporate my message to the people of the world—the message beyond “I love You”.  It shall be beyond a call to repentance.  It shall be a call to enter into the realm of my presence.” 

Welcome to Truth of the Spirit.  You are listening to “More Advent Pearls – Words of the Lord”.  I’m your host, Patti Brunner.  We invite you to listen and enter the realm of the Lord’s Presence.  I have heard the Lord say the following words during past seasons of Advent.  They are both timeless and timed perfectly for you.

In the Kingdom of God, the righteousness of the Holy One centers the lives to mark the joy of the goodness of man created in the image of God.  The eternal Word sends forth the breath of God into the far reaches, into the “four corners” into the hearts of all mankind past, present, future.  As the ruah, the Spirit of God, takes up its rest—like a bird upon its roost—the heart is transformed and the kingdom of God is “expanded” within that heart and lives are changed.  As the Spirit of God dwells upon the earth the Kingdom of God does also.  “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand” truly points the Way.  It is the Way of the Word of God.  And the Word was made flesh that all might be saved.  As man rejects, as man refuses to accept, as man lives in ignorance—these issues interfere/barricades the life giving grace of the Kingdom.  “Turn, O turn to the Lord and be saved.”  As you continue this journey, forget not my love for you, the Lord says.  Continue each day to open your heart to Me, the Lord says, to set your eyes on “heaven” to seek Me with all your heart.  I am the Lord who loves you, the God of Jacob, of Abram, of David, of Andrew, of Cephas.  Be transformed, O Child, by the Breath of God.

As you wait in the desert what do you desire?  Life giving water!  As you await the return of the Lord, you are asked to be ready, be watchful.  As the desert receives a simple rain and the flowers—long latent—blooms, so too shall my people rise in the splendor of the glory of God when the sweet grace of the Lord’s desire rains down in the coming of the tide of recompense.   Chastisement burns away dross, evil flees and the power of the Lord’s love helps all those who survive the initial burden to be refreshed and made new.  Do not fear, child.  Indeed, rejoice; for the Presence of the Lord shall be near and thus I say again rejoice.

When the Advent season completes, you shall celebrate the birth of my Son Jesus into the World.  The thrill of the Son of Man becoming flesh resounds and affects the world.    The foretelling of this event was done as preparations of hearts to receive Me.  So, too, the prophets of this generation prepare the people, including themselves, to more fully accept the miraculous gift of the Christ in the Holy Spirit.  In the ‘natural’ Jesus is communed supernaturally in the Eucharist.  In the heavenlies the Word of God is placed not physically on the tongue but through the mind and heart—the soul reaches towards Jesus and He arrives.

As you read the Advent Pearls that have been set before all to see, know that I love you.  As each person listens to my Word with their hearts rather than with their eyes their lives will be opened to a fullness of my grace.   The enemy seeks to shut down the ‘pipeline’ of grace that flows through those who love Me.  But I am here and forever shall I shower my grace upon those who turn their face toward Me.  As the eternal darkness separates the wheat from the chaff, the chaff shall drift away from me seeking the darkness to hide their evil ways.

As the drop of grace “splashes” upon the heart and the thoughts begin to turn towards the life everlasting, similar ideas and actions emerge that latent desire, hidden from view, from memory.   Hope surfaces and is spoken.  When joy gives credence and peace, the desire of the Lord is meshed with the desire of your own heart and then as the Will of the Lord is carried out—all of mankind is benefited as the Body of Christ is strengthened and activated. 

Fear not the passing of days that seem to go so quickly.  The continuous stream of faith exhumes the spirit from the place of decay and lifts it to the heavens.  The continual listing of the boat to the side reveals an ‘out of order’ that causes the ship to sail in circles.  Fear not.  Allow Me to shift the heavy burdens in your life so as to evenly distribute and allow order to follow the straight path to the heavenly realm.  The Lord God always sends forth His grace.

As you sense the everlasting throb of the heartbeat that draws you to my most Sacred Heart, rededicate your home, your lives, your family to Me.  The interesting fact of the promises to Margaret Mary is that I am faithful to my promises, not because I need your attention but because you need to do it for your own sakes.  There are many such opportunities to pray and dedicate your lives through prayer—I give this “push” this opportunity often so that more will listen and obey, so that more will follow through with devotion to the Holy Cross or the Holy Name of Jesus, or the Child Jesus of Prague or the Seven Sorrows of Mary or the miracles of St. Jude or the found articles of St. Anthony.  Whatever the devotion and its timely origin, all such aids are divinely inspired for one purpose:  to draw you into My Presence.  As you “arrive” there you are given the opportunity to “respond”, to draw your life to connect and be one with me.  The “cradle” Catholics understand this because the Presentation in the Temple allowed all who devoted themselves to hear the Good News available through such devotions.

 As day turns to night and joy turns to sorrow, reach out and light the lamp—for the lamp, the lamp shines through the darkness and restores peace and joy.  You have been given the oil—the fuel—the knowledge of the Presence of God.  It is available to all in the Word of the Lord written tirelessly, seamlessly in scripture.  Light your lamp and put it on the hillside.  The continuing grace and blessing shall unfold in the next weeks and months.  Guard your heart—bind up to protect vital areas—the armor of God shall protect you—release to Me your final fears.

This Advent season proves the value of preparation for the receiving the fullness of the Lord.  The continuous stream, of God’s people seeking his face, awakens others along the way to the heritage and to the availability that God makes present to those who love Him as you do.  Never doubt for a moment My love for You.  No matter the circumstance rather great or humble, no matter magnificent or lowly, no matter extreme joy or deep sorrow—I Am with you always to the ends of the earth and beyond.

Do not hesitate to ask Me for favor for healing, for direction.  I have given you free will, yet with that you may choose my path ways and choose obedience to my Will. 

The darkness grows cold as the Light of Christ is prevented by sin and choice.  Listen to my Spirit:   Dearest Child I love you.  Confess these sins:   You have been intolerant of others.  You have spoken harshly to others and wounded them.  You have omitted works of mercy that would have given comfort.  You have ignored those not in your path.  You have set yourself above others.  You have doubted the power of my grace to heal.  You can confess these things today—it is enough for now.

Many claim to hear my voice—some do, some filter my voice so heavily that it cannot be discerned, others are mistaken, a few are totally deceived.  Whenever you hear “so says the Lord” you must stop and identify the source.  Who are my prophets?  Are they rich and powerful?  Or are they humble and servant-minded?   Next ask—this word from the Lord—is giving glory to the Lord?  Does it align with the sovereignty of the Lord God almighty?  Or does it glorify man?   How can the word be used?  Does it evoke a call to prayer?  A call to connect to the Living God to enter His Kingdom?   Finally, consider the source.  Does the prophet lead a life of prayer?  Not all saints are prophets; not all prophets are perfect but the word, spoken true, is perfect.   When a word gives leeway for interpretation, know that the Lord’s mercy is upon you.

The delectable morsels that are tasted first fills the mouth but does not quench the appetite; nay, it bids for more.  Do not be satisfied with a taste.  Enter the kitchen, learn from the master chef, and make the process your own, to be used and shared over and over. 

The difficulties in life cause you to turn to the Lord.  This is good this turning to the Lord.  Difficulties brought into the world by sin are symptoms of the effect of sin.  Grace overcomes the difficult.  Strengthened by grace you can bear the burden until the release; the release will always come, later or sooner.  These difficulties will not exist in the fullness of time in the Kingdom of God.  Bring the Kingdom into the lives of those who suffer such difficulties.  The Truth, the Word, the Presence of God shall bring freedom to the captives and release to the slaves of sin.

My child, forget not the benefits of my grace.  The time you have been given is for use to bring all, more to Me.  Should your actions not exemplify my grace, what benefit is there?  Repentance and desire to change can allow grace to flow but truly it is trust in God that allows you to let go of control—the control that you feel necessary to maintain to protect yourself.  Being a good steward does not cause a wary eye but a prudent one.

Letting go of your need to control the situation is for all.  The joy of the Christmas blessing concerns accepting God’s love into your heart, into your home.  As you focus on love for members of your family and for others, the strife of seeking perfection in others will melt away.   As you seek the joy of the Lord rather than the joy of satisfaction of things going as you plan or desire you shall find the freedom to enjoy the fullness of the Advent and Christmas season.  Great is the Presence of the Lord upon your lives.  Be still and receive.  Open your heart.  Clean out the clutter.  Take in the fullness that is given.  ’Tis the “birth day of your King”.

My child, whenever you sing your praise I hear and am pleased.  I am with you and each member of your family.  “Today is the day the Lord has made.  We shall rejoice in it and be glad!”  “Fear Not!  For unto you this day has been born a Savior Christ the King!”  Your King bestows the wealth of his kingdom upon you.  The realm of the kingdom receives the hearts of the lowly and the bold, the young and the old.  Forever and a day shall you find peace, joy and love.  Fear not the days of waiting.  I Am.

My Child, whenever you sit and pray and listen, I Am.  The darkness of the soul shadows the heart with lies.    The hearts accept lies when self is served or when pain has broken the bond of love.  One day soon the hearts shall see and know truth, in/with my love.  Until that day, I shall continue to send the members of my Body to one another and to the world to show hope and to give healing and peace.  When the desert blooms it is clear that the life giving water has been found.

My child as the Spirit reaches out to the people in need, the people respond with their lives and thus healing takes place.

My child, the tears of past choices are washed away by the Blood of the Lamb of God.  Forever shall He reign; forever shall the King of Glory come.  The fear that envelops the world is the fear of losing control:  of life, of liberty of health, of peace, of finances, of relationships, of life itself as manifested daily.  Do not fear “losing control”!  When you surrender your life to Me you freely place your heart/choice in my hands where I Am, who loves and knows what is best for you, puts you on the pathway to life.  When you accept the Will of the Father, even difficulties can be embraced for a season.  When you step out in faith, the world can be changed by your own obedience to the Will of the Father.  So when I say, ‘Fear Not’, remember that these are words to live by.  Lives will be saved as you choose obedience to the Will of the Father.

My Child, the everlasting love of God for his people continues in sickness and in death—in sin and through forgiveness, in health, prosperity and joy.  Be comforted, my people, your God, I Am, loves you.  There is no greater message than this for the people to hear and accept.  The delivered enjoy the fruits of their savior.  The sinful have blocked the joy of knowing that they are loved and thus sin abounds.  When repentance and forgiveness enters the heart lives are changed.  Perhaps slowly, but surely!  I tell you this:  My kingdom shall be inhabited by sinners, sinners who have accepted righteousness through Jesus Christ.  Acknowledging their sin and the need of redemption will bring many into repentance and the fullness of the kingdom of God.  Show the way to others.  Show them my love.  Share with them my grace, the grace I pour out upon all the world, the grace I have given you.

Sweet child, forget not the benefits of having the choice to overload:  your resources and physical abilities are gifts from your Creator.  When you are tired, rest.  Things can be excellent without perfection when done with love.  If there is no love no matter how it ‘looks’ it can never be pleasing to the Father nor to your own heart.

The regulatory snafu is just part of the seasonal distraction your enemy tries to wreak havoc in all areas to prevent the fullness of joy and peace.  Do not fear.  I Am with you.  Again I say to you prepare/rejoice for today is born a king, a savior, Christ the Lord.  All is forgiven the repentant heart.

You’ve been listening to Advent Pearls-Words of the Lord on the Truth of the Spirit podcast produced by the Padua Podcast Network.  I’m your host, Patti Brunner.  We invite you to subscribe and listen to other episodes.  Then come back for more; with the Holy Spirit there’s always more.  Amen.