TOS215 Do you Really Believe God Almighty Exists? (Tenets of Truth Series)

A new series “Tenets of Truth” begins with the question, “Do You Really Believe God Almighty Exists?”  Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner brings forth words from the Lord as well as Pope Benedict XVI, St. Paul and the Catechism of the Catholic Church to help us comprehend whether God Almighty exists and why so many Christians are denying the existence of God in modern times.  For audio, video and script please continue reading.

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TOS042 Sacraments -Holy Orders with Ken Hunter

TOS042 Sacraments–Holy Orders with Ken Hunter For audio TOS042: The Sacraments – Holy Orders – Truth of the Spirit (podcast) | Listen Notes

Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner welcomes Ken Hunter, a deaconate candidate, as he shares (1) the Biblical Roots of Holy Orders, (2) about two priesthoods: the “priesthood of all the faithful” and the “priesthood of the ordained” (3) the origin of Bishop, Priest and Deacon, (4) who may be ordained and (5) the effects/graces of the Sacrament of Holy Orders. 

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TOS041 Sacraments-Baptism with Patti Brunner

TOS041: The Sacraments – Baptism – Truth of the Spirit (podcast) | Listen Notes

Patti Brunner brings you Baptism, the final sacrament of the Catholic series: The Eucharist and Other Sacraments. Baptism brings life, eternity with God, and the grace to fulfill his plan to rescue those affected by choices made. Redemption allows the indwelling of God within the heart of man in relationship not just as Creator and created.  The water—symbol of life, of cleansing, of power, of grace is the sign of this sacrament.

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TOS040 Sacraments -Anointing of the Sick with Rick Brunner

TOS040 Sacraments–Anointing of the Sick with Rick Brunner 

For audio TOS040: The Sacraments – Annointing of the Sick – Truth of the Spirit (podcast) | Listen Notes

Welcome to Truth of the Spirit, I’m Patti Brunner, and tonight we continue our series on the Eucharist and Other Sacraments with the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.   Tonight we have Rick Brunner who will be presenting to you information to you about the Anointing of the Sick sacrament.  Please welcome Rick Brunner.

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TOS039 Sacraments-Matrimony with Sheila Canup

TOS039 Sacraments–Matrimony with Sheila Canup 

For audio tos039 in podcasts | Listen Notes

Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner welcomes Sheila Canup for a personal and truth-filled look at the Sacrament of Matrimony.  Sheila Canup explores the meaning of the Canon Law 1055 quote in the Catechism, “This covenant between baptized persons has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament.” 

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TOS038 Sacraments-Reconciliation with Rebecca Brandes

TOS038 The Sacraments–Reconciliation with Rebecca Brandes 

For audio TOS038: The Sacraments – Reconciliation – Truth of the Spirit (podcast) | Listen Notes

Welcome to Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner.  Join Rebecca Brandes as she speaks about the Sacrament of Reconciliation on the Truth of the Spirit podcast during the series “Eucharist and Other Sacraments”. Dreading confession is a natural thing.  Our natural instincts tell us to avoid pain but at the gym you hear “no pain no gain”. In Confession we have to humble ourselves. 

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TOS037 Sacraments –Confirmation with Patti Brunner

TOS037 The Sacraments–Confirmation with Patti Brunner 

For audio TOS037: The Sacraments – Confirmation – Truth of the Spirit (podcast) | Listen Notes

Join Patti Brunner for Confirmation, from the new Truth of the Spirit series “The Eucharist and Other Sacraments”. This first episode introduces the concept of sacrament and begins with the Sacrament of Confirmation. The flow of the Spirit and the Spirit’s gifts is taught by the Catechism to take root at the decision to be open to God. The sacraments –the signs-of initiation of Baptism and Confirmation witness the choice and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit’s presence. Patti Brunner finds truth within the Catechism; the truth is potential. Each person who receives the sign of the Presence of God among us receives the potential to change the world. Week by week, day by day, hour by hour, the Holy Spirit dwells within those confirmed in the faith. This indelible mark is eternal; it should be clearly visible by the life led by those who have received it. The sign provides power and strength to wall always in the grace of the Lord.

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TOS025 Duties of A Christian

TOS025 Duties of a Christian , for audio: TOS025: The Duties of a Christian – Truth of the Spirit (podcast) | Listen Notes   

The “Duties of a Christian” episode of Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner reminds us that we are not alone in our relationship with God.  We are not alone in the Church.  And so we need to know how to get along with each other in the Church.  That’s why God, through the Fathers of the Church, gave all Christians rules to follow.  These Church rules are called Canon Law.  

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TOS021 Helmet of Salvation with Rick Brunner

TOS021 Helmet of Salvation with Rick Brunner (Part 7); for Audio

Truth of the Spirit episode TOS021 Helmet of Salvation with Rick Brunner is part 7 of the Armor of God series. The Helmet of Salvation is the final piece of armor presented in the series.  The Helmet of Salvation is a family heirloom passed down through the generations to recall the salvation given by Jesus through the cross, death and resurrection.  It is a gift given at Baptism for us to wear for the rest of our lives.  It helps us to think more clearly and recognize God.  The enemy tries to penetrate the helmet not by hitting us over the head but by getting under it with thoughts and memories of failure and temptations.  But the strength of the Helmet of Salvation is that it has been worn by all those who came before you.  Each saint, each holy man and woman have their memories to share.  The Helmet of Salvation was worn—indeed it was forged—by Christ himself.  He continues to wear it with you and thus your strength comes from this.  “Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.”1 John 4:4. 

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