TOS310 Daily Meditations for Lent Day 40 Palm Sunday – Holy Week

Welcome to Truth of the Spirit.  I am your host, Patti Brunner.  Thank you for taking this 40-day journey with me as we have recalled the words of the Lord given to me during personal prayer during various Lents.  It was amazing to see the correlation of a single day of Lent from several different years. Today is day 40 of “Daily Meditations for Lent”.  As we conclude this series, we gathered personal revelations for you from the last days of Lent.  We especially share those given during Holy Week of Lent for you to discern and to help you grow “in closeness to the Lord through truth, repentance, and the word of God moving into fullness within your heart.”

This 40th episode of Daily Meditations for Lent takes place on Palm Sunday of Holy Week.  As we conclude this journey of preparation we look forward to the Triduum and the Paschal Mystery.  Before we look at revelations for Day 40, I want to take just a moment to invite you this week to revisit some of our podcasts on our YouTube playlist “Holy Week”. [Note: see playlist “Holy Week” in the Categories on this website] We will list these episodes in the description below with direct links to the episodes on the website.  The Holy Week Playlist includes: Episode 152 Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich-Last Supper Eucharist; Episode 213 Judas the Betrayer-Anne Catherine Emmerich; Episode 57 Basics of Paschal Mystery; Episode 147 Way of the Cross—Door to the Divine Mercy of God; Episode 231 Rosary of 7 Sorrows Given by Our Lady of Kibeho; LSC101 Truth and Hope in the Way of the Cross; and Episode 60 Salvation-Basics of Faith.   These great episodes will provide wonderful meditation as we approach Easter together.  We also hope to post more of Anne Catherine’s visions so please subscribe with notification, so you don’t miss them.  Now, let’s listen to what the Lord has to say.

During Holy Week the Lord told me, “My Child, whenever you see a circling hawk you note the beauty of creation yet in the circle of life another creature’s life is to be taken as sustenance.   In sacrifice there is a similar pattern.  Jesus laid down his life that we might be sustained, receiving life through his death.  This is truly the beauty of creation seen through the eyes of death.  As Jesus was raised from the dead in the Holy Ghost by the will of the Father the “new earth”, the “new creation” was established once and for all.  No longer shall death be the cause for life—life will be the cause for life.  In my kingdom, says the Lord, life shall reign in the hearts of man.  As kingdom comes as it is in heaven you shall see the Assumption of Mother Mary as a ‘prototype’ of the resurrection and the life in the world to come.  Fear not death, it is temporary for those who call on the Lord and call him friend and Savior.  Whenever you see the tablet of stone know that the Lord God has shown the pathway for eternal life throughout the ages.

The Lord told me the Triduum was originally one service.  He told me to teach that the “Triumphant entry into Jerusalem fulfilled scripture prophecy.”  On Good Friday “the cross is lifted up – reminding us of our sinfulness.”  And, with the “Triumph over death of body, soul & mind – we can have mind of Jesus.”

During Holy Week the Lord told me, “Salvation, forgiveness, healing, conversion, each of these truths are important for the children to know my love. And they intertwine.  Ask yourself: does conversion bring God’s love or is it not the opposite direction?   Our love brings forth all the items on your list. It is good to set it as the base.”

The Lord said, “When you share ‘salvation and forgiveness’ point out that you are empowered to forgive because you were forgiven;  salvation redeems mankind; but also, the individual and the graces that flow can only be quenched as man refuses to accept it.  When forgiveness solidifies the heart into stone how can there be openness to my love?”

The Lord said, “Conversion is a process of openness to Grace brought about through grace. Not unlike the old question: which came first the chicken or the egg? It is more clearly seen when it has already happened.”  The Lord said, “My Grace calls them to conversion; conversion opens them to my grace. Inner healing opens them to my grace; my Grace brings inner healing.  Life in the Spirit seminars are an opportunity to “stir up the grace” that has been given through the sacraments that lie dormant. “My people perish for lack of knowledge”. The people have been given all they need but they are sometimes unaware of this gift of grace until it is freshened in their hearts through testimonies. Others have been moved by grace and failed to recognize the fullness available to them – again by lack of knowledge.”

The Lord said, “Surrender is the key to the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Prayerful anticipation—the people should be encouraged to pray and ask God for open hearts.”

During Holy Week the Lord told me, “My child, sweet joy awaits the celebration of the Resurrection and all of the Victory Jesus won for all eternity. Enjoy the next moments of your life.

To speak to the children about the Victory won- salvation -say this,” the Lord said, “Say this:

Man was cast into darkness when sin entered the world. Over time mankind got “used to the dark”.  Jesus became man to become the perfect sacrifice to redeem the prisoners and set them free.  God forgave sin and restored man through the light of Christ.  The Holy Spirit was sent after Christ returned to sit at the father’s right hand.  By accepting the Holy Spirit through baptism and then through other sacraments, the relationship with God is restored.  Salvation is a free gift purchased by the blood of Jesus. We cannot earn it – we can only accept it – or reject it.”  The Lord said, “From the first moment of the resurrection nothing stood in the way of the outpouring of God’s love.”

“So why do some not seem to be full of the Spirit? Does God withhold this love from us?”  He says, “‘No’ – the only barrier to receiving Grace is all on us – our part of accepting or rebelling.  It is the duty of the Church – that is the people of the Church.  Rebellion against your baptismal promises is also known as sin.”

The Lord continued, “Unforgiveness is also a means of rejecting grace. Help the people understand how to forgive by sharing example – especially the Prodigal Son and personal (examples). Unforgiveness can be the poison you take thinking it will only harm others.  The Lord is a “gentleman” and does not force. When you ask, when you request with a willing heart the grace needed to forgive and break other rebelliousness is granted.  The Sacrament of Reconciliation is always ready to restore you to receive.”

The Lord told me, “My salvation gift comes with the responsibility of sharing the gift with others. This flow of grace continues to keep ‘fresh’ the gift and the anointing. Even during times of struggle you can call upon this gift. The truth will set you free: Jesus is Lord. He is risen. Death and sin is conquered!”

During Holy Week the Lord told me, “My child, whenever doubt and curiosity intertwine with choices of free will, an error can be implored into being.  Pray for faith and wisdom.   The Children must understand that I died for them.  I took their sins to Calvary.  And I saw their faces as I prayed at the garden.  The world has glossed over the sin that was my burden—like superman with kryptonite, only the exposure to the sin of the world covered my Power and life.  I freely exposed my heart to your sin and carried it within my heart because I carried each of you in my heart in love.

The Lord said, “The meaning of Easter goes beyond bunnies and eggs.  These symbols of new life are but an immature stab at the new life that begins at the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb.  All death is conquered.   All sin is overcome.  The effect of sin can be dissipated through the grace now released and the hearts of my children are purified and remain in my heart in joy and love.  Indeed they may dwell there forever.” 

You have been listening to Truth of the Spirit’s 40th Meditation for Lent on Sunday of the 6th week of Lent. It is Palm Sunday, and this week is Holy Week.  Again, we invite you to access our Holy Week playlist.  This Lent, the Lord has more to tell us about our choosing Him and taking up the Cross.  Listen to Him!   “With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption.”[i] Easter is coming!  “Prepare for it, ready your heart.”  The transcript of this episode is available at  We invite you to come back for more.  With the Holy Spirit there’s always more.  Amen.  Have a blessed, blessed Easter.  Give God all the glory!  Now and forever!  Amen.

P.S. Check out the series “Anne Catherine Emmerich Trial of Jesus” during Holy Week!

[i] Ephesians 1:7;  Psalm 130:7