TOS309 Day 39 Daily Meditations for Lent with Patti Brunner-Saturday of Week 5

Welcome to Truth of the Spirit.  I am your host, Patti Brunner.  Today is day 39 of “Daily Meditations for Lent”.  We gathered personal revelations for you from the last days of Lent especially those given on Saturday of the 5th week of Lent for you to discern and to help you grow “in closeness to the Lord through truth, repentance, and the word of God moving into fullness within your heart.”

The Lord told me on Saturday of the 5th week of Lent, “Patti, the difficulty in walking the walk and talking the talk is the times our path leads us in 20 different directions and the crowded intersections keep us from seeing the road signs that are clearly marked.  Look above the crowd.”

The year that the Saturday of 5th week of Lent was also St. Joseph’s feast day I heard the Lord say, “As the desert blooms after a rain so too shall the hearts and minds, of those who have suffered the dryness of no grace in their lives, be revived as the Living Water touches them and ‘soaks in’.  The ‘sprinkling’ has no effect but to rinse the dust from the leaves.  It takes a ‘downpour’ to truly nourish and set free the life process.  Many survive only because they have ‘stored’ my grace deep within them.  But my desire is not just ‘survival’ but abundant life.”  The Lord then said, “Call to Me the children of darkness, of the night.  Send forth the rays of the Light to rescue them.  Watch as the changes as life-giving water reaches the ‘roots’.  And then the nation shall bloom.  You are wondering what this has to do with you.  Dear Child, you shall build the furrow to carry the water.  You shall ‘seed’ the clouds with your praise and thanksgiving.  You shall “speak my Word in foreign lands and all will understand.” 

During the last days of Lent the Lord said, “My child, the heavenly hosts exclaim “Hosanna! To the King!  Forever and ever!”  Speak not of the despair of man but lift up the hearts to my fullness.  For in the Way of the Cross there is life; there is hope.  In the tradition of the Church there are examples to follow; in the course of nature there is proof that God exists.  And dear child, in the hearts of man there is freedom as the presence of God truly dwells there forever and ever more.

“More than you can understand, more than the angels in heaven, man has been created to share the glory of God.  Come.  Come into my heart and rest.  Take up your cross, yes, embrace it, and find freedom.  Salvation is yours, O people, O Jerusalem.  It has been won by the Cross, by the Blood of the Lamb.”

During the last days of Lent the Lord said, “My Child, the incredible Grace that swamps the vessel as man crosses from death to life certainly reveals the magnitude of the Mercy of God.  Fear not.  Those who choose Me in life are chosen by Me for eternal communion.  Know this, those who suffer in this life usually ask for my help.  That simple act of faith is greatly rewarded.”

On Saturday of 5th week ofLent the Lord said, “My child, you ask for the stars and the moon and I give them to you, I do not infringe on the freewill of my children but I do provide the necessary grace for salvation.  The blessings that flow to the next generation are magnified by love and good deeds.  Rest in my Love, trust in your God, but carry the big stick – The Cross—with you always – a reminder of the sin of the world.  I have conquered sin yet it still exists in the hearts of man.”

During the last days of Lent the Lord said, “My child, the needs of the people cry out for the Lord to touch the hearts and to heal them.  The ‘material’ needs are many but the root of each is the lack in the spiritual life of my people and the people of the world.  I am sending you with others, to be my emissary to tell the people of my love and to allow my power to draw them into the ‘circle’ of life.  Death, resurrection, life—this is the ‘circle ‘ of life.  Death, resurrection, life – this is the ‘circle’ I have provided to the people.  To be one with me, to die to sin, to self, to be raised from the ashes and smoke to be lifted up into the glory the glorious kingdom of God.  My desire is not sacrifice but obedience: The obedience of the Cross, the obedience of the Commandments, the obedience of the ‘Great Commission’.  I call you, too, to this obedience.” 

You have been listening to Truth of the Spirit for Saturday of the 5th week of Lent.  This Lent, the Lord has more to tell us about our choosing Him and taking up the Cross.  Listen to Him!   “With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption.[i]”  Easter is coming!  “Prepare for it, ready your heart.”  The transcript of this episode is available at  Come back tomorrow for more.  With the Holy Spirit there’s always more.  Amen.

[i] Ephesians 1:7;  Psalm 130:7