TOS305 Day 35 Daily Meditations for Lent with Patti Brunner-Tuesday of Week 5

Day 35.  Welcome to Truth of the Spirit.  I am your host, Patti Brunner.  Today is day 35 of “Daily Meditations for Lent”. The following personal revelations were given on Tuesdays of the 5th week of Lent for you to discern and to help you grow “in closeness to the Lord through truth, repentance, and the word of God moving into fullness within your heart.”

The Lord said, “Whenever you come before Me, seeking my Face with all you heart you will find Me.  I am found among the flowers of the dale.  I am found in the hearts of children full of glee.  I am found in your devotion of heart, I am found in My Body and in My Blood.  I list these all so that you might seek Me in all places and in all things and people.  I have come to set the world free and I penetrate the heart to break loose the chains that bind and torment them.

“Have you ever been surprised by grace? Overwhelmed with a love for your fellow man? Awakened to a deeper relationship with Jesus? –all these signs of a fresh anointing are gifts of the Holy Spirit.”

On Tuesday of 5th week of Lent the Lord said, “It delights Me to come into your heart, and whisper my love to you.  Continue to seek my face.  Continue to petition before the throne the needs of your people.  Father listens for a sincere heart and always releases grace upon request.  Sweet daughter, sweet sister, dwell in the quiet place of the Lord there is no sound but the sound of love.  There is nothing but everything.  In the dwelling place of the Lord there is peace and joy, ecstasy and purity.  Come and be one with Me.”

On Tuesday of the 5th week the Lord said, “My child, the everlasting power of the Holy Spirit is more – but it can be likened to the change of going from a candle burning on a lamp stand to a stadium full of lights.  The power of the light of Jesus to erase the darkness is similar to saving a drowning man by keeping his head above water or by giving a starving man a loaf of bread—it is life itself!

“Use whatever descriptions that help you express my love for the children and the church which they form.  Know this; the darkness is dispelled when each one first accepts Me into their own hearts then reaches out to one who lives in darkness—waiting for the compassionate heart to rescue them.

“Lead the children out of the shadows.  Give them the tools to help others.  Caution them to study and to listen to my Spirit.  Have them to always hold love in their hearts.  Never seek power to be ‘powerful’ but seek it to be a servant.”

On Tuesday of the 5th week the Lord said, “My Child, My love is constantly putting samples and examples in your life to show you the Way to the fullness of life.” 

“My plans do not fail when the obedient servants carries them out.  My ways lead to truth and freedom.”

On Tuesday of the 5th week the Lord said, “My Child, when the people in the desert were thirsting, I AM provided for their needs.  Sometimes, the only time my people will seek my face is when they are desperate. Allowing the people to suffer so as to bring forth spiritual break through is only one facet of my loving grace.  Some have break through when favor is given—some when a moment in time releases my grace within them.  All are not the same; this is why the move of God seems contradictory but, dear child, I Am truth, I Am Love.  These never hide from circumstances but are revealed easily if you but look.

“As contrition melts the stony heart so do the tears of those in need.  I Am with you always, to the ends of the earth.  There is nothing beyond Me.”

The Lord said, “Fear not; worry not.  The praise and glory of the Lord reign in your heart.  The heavenly realm has come down to reside in your Church.  Within the tabernacle, I AM.  Within the people—I AM.  In the priest—I AM.  In Your own heart—I AM.  When you gather the children together remind them of blessings and woes.  The blessings come forth through obedience in love with joy.”

I heard the Lord say this on Tuesday of the fifth week of Lent, “My child, what you see unfolding is just a drop in the bucket.  As you release your personal treasure, your intimate witness, many shall be touched.  As you open your heart for all to see your strengths and your weaknesses many shall be encouraged.  Do not fear ‘repercussions’; know that I AM with you.  As you continue to teach—many times, the teaching will contain practical witness—that is truth that you have seen and lived.  It is not the witness you ‘feel’.  Yet after the teaching is done—the teaching that my Church has continued without break for 2000 years—when this ‘precept’ teaching is laid out for my people, I shall call upon you to witness all that you ‘feel’ for Me.  As loved as explained, love is accepted.   

“What I reveal to one I revealed to all, however all do not comprehend what is revealed and so the debate continues.    You can see how the excitement of finding a buried truth can be twisted and then taken as truth when the fullness has not been shown only foretold.  Each philosopher looks at that information with their own set of criteria, and by the formation they have received in the culture in which they live.  Truth is truth yet truth is sometimes ‘bent’ to prove a point that is not truth.

“Remember—when you teach follow the path the Church has followed.  When you witnessfollow the path, share the individual path with its particulars that you have walked.  Although it is the same Way, it is unique to each of my creations.”

The Lord said, ‘My child, the different hearts speak to Me in various ways.  Some pour out their heart to Me, others speak the prayers they memorized as a child.  Together we shall set the prisoners free.” 

The Lord said, “Consider this:  I invite you into my arms and you come.” 

You have been listening to Truth of the Spirit for Tuesday of the 5th week of Lent.  This Lent, the Lord has more to tell us about following his path. Listen to Him!   Remember: “With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption.[i]”  Easter is coming!  “Prepare for it, ready your heart.”  The transcript of this episode is available at  Come back tomorrow for more.  With the Holy Spirit there’s always more.  Amen.

[i] Ephesians 1:7;  Psalm 130:7