TOS292 Day 22 Daily Meditations for Lent with Patti Brunner-Wednesday of Week 3

Day 22. Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner presents Daily Meditations for Lent. Welcome to Truth of the Spirit.  I am Patti Brunner.  This is day 22 of “Daily Meditations for Lent” on Wednesday week 3. We will share personal revelations given during Lent for you to discern and other contemplations each day.  Did you know that the word ‘lent’ is an ancient word for ‘spring’?  As we enter the mid-point of Lent have you been preparing for the springtime of the Church, with tilling and planting, with sacrifice and penance?

I heard the Lord say, on a Wednesday of 3th week of Lent, “It is enough to love Me, allow my love to flow upon you and within you.  My children seek not in truth for truth for they have no reference for it yet, but my Spirit comes to teach truth and bestows grace and blessings upon those who ask and are open to my Word.”

I heard the Lord say, “My children, do not be so concerned with this world.  It will pass away.  That is certain.  What must not pass away is your love for Me and acceptance of My love for you.  Many times it is hard to see around the brick walls that keep you contained in this world.  They seem so real, so insurmountable, so necessary.  But My Grace is sufficient for you.  The walls have been built on sand, and when the living waters flood—the barriers will be broken and will pass away.  My love will not pass away. Continue to read my Word—engrave it on your doorpost and carry it ever in your forehead, in your mind.  I love you, child.  Accept my pastoral care of you and do not worry so much about tomorrow.”

The Lord continued, “My sweetest children, your thoughts are lifted to Me on a warm summer breeze, they are truly praise in my ears when you long for Me and My kingdom.  There is time to accomplish much, do not be distressed that you don’t have enough time.  All my children are precious to Me and I will lift up yours to give Me thanks and praise.  Continue to pray and to contemplate my love for you.  I will let you find the hidden stairway that will lead you to Me.  But know you must go and ask your Father to gift you with whichever gifts of the Spirit that you desire.  You will set into motion more than you ever thought possible but what you have hoped for.”

I heard the Lord say, on a Wednesday of 3rd week of Lent, “As you have a ‘good day’ or a ‘not so good day’ know that I am with you.  As you continue to search your heart concerning your assignment, what I have asked you to do—do not fear doing it!  Delay not.  Do not think of when and how it shall be completed.  Just do it.”

I heard the Lord say, “As you spread truth around the world there can be no place in your heart for lies to be told for “convenience”.  Take this as a stern warning!  You are forgiven and the matter is forgotten.  For your penance you must tell the person whom you hurt the most about this.”

I heard the Lord say, on a Wednesday of 3rd week of Lent, “As you prepare to talk to RCIA Candidates and Catechumens remember that it is those hearts that are converted that are filled with zeal.  By speaking of Priest, Prophet, King, you show the Church’s “permission” to evangelize, bless, and lead the abundant life for those who follow Christ and the teaching of the Church.  The continual need for laity involvement shows the uniqueness of each of my beloved and the threads woven (and the threads woven) into the tapestry of salvation.” 

The outline the Lord gave me is useful to evangelize any time.

First, “Introduction of yourself: Briefly your walk of faith, briefly your current ministry, and statement that you are a Priest, Prophet & King.  Give the examples of Jesus. He is priest, the High Priest who offers sacrifice and connects man to God.  Jesus is prophet: He hears the voice of God and teaches that to others.  Jesus is King.  He lives a life of obedience, a life of example, and a life of abundance.  The opposite of following Christ is living a life of slavery with attachments.  The Church examples to follow includes:  Saints, Mentors, Scripture—share specific scripture (with them), the Catechism of the Catholic Church—share specific quotes. Next, challenge to grow more and more.  This is done by sharing, by teaching what you do know by verifying it, by prayer, and by sacrifice and offering and “dedication”—consecration of your time and life to Jesus.  “Make a plan.”  Give time for discussion. Allow them to report to others if time allows. Then, if time allows, have some specific stories of your own “priest, prophet, King” life.”

I heard the Lord say, “Fear not!  I am with You.  Today and to the ends of the earth.”

I heard the Lord say, on a Wednesday of 3th week of Lent, “Today it is not to quiet waters that I call you but to the rampaging flood waters of my Grace flowing among the people of Christ and beyond throughout the land of semi-darkness.  My child, you need no raft or barge.  Only tie yourself to my Church as a point of balance.  You have the freedom to move but you may find yourself towing my Church behind you as you pick up speed in your flowing journey.  Do not be afraid to lead the way.   

            “Sweet child, I will lead you where others have been afraid to follow in this age.  Complete the tasks I have laid before you.  Allot your time – study and learn.  Do not allow anything that is not excellent to steal your time.   That which would rob you of your inheritance will throw many obstacles and temptations in your path.”

This Lent the Lord has more to tell us about preparing and stepping out to evangelize.  This is Day 22. We invite you to listen each day for words from the Lord and Daily Meditations for Lent.  Remember: “The Kingdom of God is at hand: repent, and believe in the Gospel.”   “Prepare for it, ready your heart.”  The transcript of this episode is available at  Come back tomorrow for more.  With the Holy Spirit there’s always more.  Amen.