TOS283 Day 13 Daily Meditations for Lent with Patti Brunner- Monday 2nd Week of Lent

Day 13 The purpose of the liturgical season of Lent is to grow in closeness to the Lord through truth, repentance, and the word of God moving into fullness within your heart. Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner presents Daily Meditations for Lent.  We include personal revelation for your discernment to grow in your relationship with the Lord during this liturgical season of Lent.


Welcome to Truth of the Spirit.  I am your host, Patti Brunner.  This is day 13 of our series “Daily Meditations for Lent” for Monday of the second week of Lent. We have gathered words from the Lord shared during various Lenten seasons on this day and will share these personal revelations and meditations for you to discern and contemplate each day during Lent.

The Lord shared this word with me, “My Child, each day you shall have the freewill to choose pleasing man or pleasing God.  You are forgiven, go and sin no more.”[i]

The Lord brings up obstacles in this word, “My child, as the saints in heaven now know, my path is strewn with obstacles, not to impose punishment but to provide the opportunity for purification and cleansing from the effects of choices that separate man from God.  As you mount the obstacles, the sense of overcoming and relief is short-lived.  My reward is eternal.  Fear not the momentary suffering.  The purpose is mine to know.  Accept the heart that beats as my creation, my design, and love purely without trying to solve the mystery.   I Am with you in the midst of turmoil as well as in the midst of calm, in the midst of peace.  My peace I give you.  Fear not when not finishing all your tasks.” [ii]

One Lent we gave the Lord thanksgiving for keeping us and our daughter save during a tornado.  It passed between our two houses.  The Lord responded, “My child, you are under my protection.  Continue to speak out in my name.  I have taught and revealed much to you.  Continue to let the world know the truth: the Kingdom of God is upon you.  You must stop living in darkness, if you want joy and happiness.  The truth will set free those imprisoned by the darkness of sin.  I have sent my Son as the rescuer.  Salvation has been made possible by the Blood of the Lamb.  Tell the people how much I love them.  As they choose the righteous path, their burdens will lessen.  As they in turn, reach out to help others to know truth, the enemy’s power over them shall diminish.  The enemy is defeated.  He hangs on only by feeding on the destruction, the wounds caused by sin.”[iii]

The following Lent the Lord told me, “My Child, you cannot change the world by yourselfContinue to set your foot on the path of Light to bring forgiveness, my Mercy, to others.  In case you have not yet realized it, I have chosen you for a special mission in the next few weeks and months.  I have called you to pray for the nations, to speak to the youth, to overcome fear in the hearts of those close to you and to continue to rely on Me for all things.  You cannot change the world by yourself.  I have called many to answer Me.  The power of your Lord and Savior is above every power on earth or in heaven.  Seek the Lord in all things.  Seek the Lord and He shall be found.   The Lord then said, “The curiosity of some will be sufficient to draw them to my Grace.  Others will need to be tested, to be tried, and their need for rescue will open their hearts.  Still others have already been awakened by my grace—some of these need only a gentle reminder of my love and that all things work for good for those called by their God.”[iv]  Which of those are you?

Ten years before I began podcasting, the Lord spoke this word to me during Lent, “My child as the everlasting realm of the Lord, your God and Savior, enters into the final days of your life on earth, there is still much to do.  As you advance in technical knowledge so will your spiritual ‘insides’ receive the ‘increase’.  There is always ‘more’.  Some have gone before you to open the door for new ideas and technologies just the same way my saints have gone before you—ahead of you spiritually—but as such they offer their wisdom and knowledge to you—painful at first, this expanse of understanding that is not understood at all!  But by my grace it too shall be “common knowledge” someday—and even though you don’t understand it all, it can benefit you.

   “Now, what about your own discoveries?  How does your path “trailblazing” open opportunities for those who shall come behind you?  Fear not, I Am with you until the end of days and beyond.”[v]  I responded to the Lord at that time, “I am little Lord.  I live a little life with a little circle of influence.  I give it to You.  Perhaps I shall touch one who shall then go forth to change the world.  By your grace will I change anything—by your power and grace.”  Ten years later I was asked to do an audio podcast on the internet and YouTube which expanded to video podcasts then expanded to a YouTube channel.  After a year and a half the Truth of the Spirit podcast had a hundred YouTube subscribers and 10,000 audio downloads with 125 shows posted. Praise the Lord for the grace and fulfillment of his words!  The last statement on every podcast is “there’s always more!”  The Lord gives more.  Today, as we present episode 283, we have over 6,000 subscribers with 350,000 views on YouTube and our audio downloads are in the top 10% of podcasts in the world.  And this all happened beyond my understanding of technology and in the final days of my life on earth—just as the Lord promised!  This Lent, please, trust the Lord.  There is much you can do with his grace.  There’s always more.

We will end this episode with a prayer the Lord gave me on one Monday of the second week of Lent to share.  Please pray it with me.  

            “My heavenly Father, bless us indeed.  Bless those who curse us.  Bless those who deny your love for them.  Bless all my enemies.  May all come to know you and be one with You. Heavenly Lord, I lift up to you this day that You have made.  I will rejoice and be glad in it.  My Lord, enter my heart and make me whole.  Give unto me the gifts of your Spirit.  In You I am free.  Use me to help others be released into your arms.” [vi] Amen.

We invite you to respond, “Let me not judge my enemies nor my friends, sweet Jesus!  Yes, Lord, this day is precious in your sight.  You have created it for your children.  Use me, Lord!  Fill me with your power and grace.  Reside in me, dearest Jesus.  Fill me with your Holy Spirit.  Guide me in your ways and show me how to share your love with others.  In Christ’s name, all things are possible. Amen.

The Lord has more to tell us this Lent about his love for us.  This is Day 13. We invite you to subscribe or follow and come back tomorrow for our Daily Meditations for Lent – Lenten Logos with Patti Brunner.  Remember: “The event of the Cross and Resurrection abides and draws everything toward life.”[vii]  “Prepare for it, ready your heart.”  The transcript of this episode is available at  Come back tomorrow for more.  With the Holy Spirit there’s always more.  Amen

[i] 2/21/05 

[ii] 3/9/2009   

[iii] March 13, 2006

[iv] 3/5/07

[v] 2/18/2008   

[vi] Feb. 25, 2002 

[vii] Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraph 1085