TOS069 Walk Among the Needy

TOS069 Walk Among the Needy 

With Patti Brunner.  When stress attacks the weak, the needy, it takes the intercession of others to bring the light of dawn into the situation.    Wherever you are in the world there is a need greater than your own.  Compared to most of the world, America is not poor.  But poverty of spirit does not use financial wealth or “need” as its barometer and measure.  The fruit of Christianity is a desire to take care of the needs of others. “Untold riches” is not based on money but on the Word of God.  Managing the taking care of the needy is a responsibility of the Church leaders and that sometimes it is an overwhelming task.

For audio recommended: TOS116: Let Day Dawn Upon Us – Truth of the Spirit (podcast) | Listen Notes

Intro: When I helped our Life Teen group deliver Christmas gifts one year, we pulled up to an aging mobile home far out in the country.  The floor was rotted through, there were mattresses on the floor for sleeping but right in the front room was a huge, big screen color TV.  I was told later that one of the signs of poverty was the inability to make good choices.  This is an excellent measure for the needy:  the inability of making good choices. 


Today I want you to be aware that daily you Walk Among the Needy. Wherever you are in the world there is a need greater than your own.  Even those burdened by life’s problems of imperfection, can gaze around and find someone whose life you would not desire to live.  Why is this? 

Are you thinking, “Not me, the lives around me seem perfect”?  Where do you see perfection? 

The media puts forward a false image of perfection without showing you the team of support staff that covers every fear and smooths every stray hair.  When the expose’ comes in later years you discover the cost of fame in broken marriages, child abuse, addictions and financial ruin.  Reality shows have become popular because we are tired of role models that are impossible to become.  When we tire of that we choose fake characters and find pleasing those with immoral traits. Fantasy characters have become the norm.  Average looking people with superhero attributes.  Thieves and executioners become the theme of humorous characters to entertain.  Why is this?  Why have we strayed so far from the role model of Jesus, Mary and Joseph?

            When Jesus walked about the plains and hills of Galilee he met a lot of people who were worse off than average fishermen.  He met cripples, blind people, demoniacs and public sinners.  Today, it is rare for anyone to call attention to sin or sinners.  Jesus said the poor will always be with us but that he would not.  What does this mean for us?  How are we to face the modern culture as a Christian?

We, in America are in a land of affluence.  Sure, there are pockets of poor—the disadvantaged, the unemployed who long to work, and those on public assistance. Compared to most of the world, America is not poor.  But poverty of spirit does not use financial wealth or “need” as its barometer and measure.

            When I helped our Life Teen group deliver Christmas gifts one year we pulled up to an aging mobile home far out in the country.  The floor was rotted through, there were mattresses on the floor for sleeping but right in the front room was a huge big screen color TV.  I was told later that one of the signs of poverty was the inability to make good choices.

            This is an excellent measure for the needy:  the inability of making good choices.  The Lord created man in his image to contain the Glory of God, to be one with the Creator of the Universe.  And instead of choosing that, man chose an apple.  The Good News is that Jesus came to earth as a man to restore us with the choice and the ability to again be one with God. 

We can read about the first days of the Church in the Acts of the Apostles,[Acts 4:32-37] In Chapter 4 it says, “The community of believers was of one heart and mind, and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they had everything in common.  With great power the Apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great favor was accorded them all.  There was no needy person among them, for those who owned property or houses would sell them, bring the proceeds of the sale, and put them at the feet of the Apostles, and they were distributed to each according to need.”

The fruit of Christianity is a desire to take care of the needs of others.  It is this desire that causes the evangelist to go without sleep or comforts to go forth sharing the Gospel message.  It manifests in caring for temporal needs also in acts of compassion.  Often this opens hearts to receive the real treasure, the true bread come down from heaven and the fullness of an abundant life.  “Untold riches” is not based on money but on the Word of God.  When the people sold their houses and laid the money received at the feet of the Apostles it showed the submission to the Lord God Almighty and the Kingdom of God.  It was a way to demonstrate the understanding that the ‘things’ of this world are passing away and shall no longer be needed.  The focus on the ‘prize’ attaining the promise of the Father shared by Jesus and is demonstrated by the power of the Holy Spirit.

In  Acts 6:1-7 we see that managing the taking care of the needy is a responsibility of the Church leaders and that sometimes it is an overwhelming task.  The scripture says, “So the Twelve called together the community of the disciples and said, “It is not right for us to neglect the word of God to serve at table.  Brothers, select from among you seven reputable men, filled with the Spirit and wisdom, who we shall appoint to this task, whereas we shall devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.”

Certainly priests and deacons are called to aid their bishop in addressing the needs of the people.  As the Church expanded in the early days of the Church the ‘converts’ from Judaism needed a network for ministry and for caring for the poor, the widows and orphans.  So, from the beginning the Church has recognized this need.  We can see the expanded ministry to the needy in our own country by the establishment of hospitals, orphanages, and schools. The overwhelmed priests and deacons today call upon lay people to get involved because they walk among the needy.  Today’s need has expanded to the homeless and those who have addictions and troubled marriages.

There are so many in need because of troubled marriages.  Life is difficult for those who look inward only to their own needs.  Those who reach to give of themselves in love can see what hurts others.  Reach out to the needy and pray for healing of their wounds, pray for each to look upon the other with respect and esteem.  Pray for the hearts to open in love for one another.  Offer your help with the children, with a counselor.  Speak to them of rekindling the love that is between them.  For a plant to grow and be fruitful it must not be neglected.  Base survival is not happiness.  Time must be taken to nourish.  Talking and listening is required.  You may offer to be a mediator but a trained third party would be better.  And encourage them to act soon before hurtful words are continued.  Remember their importance of forgiveness.  Give out copies of the Forgiveness Prayerby Fr. DeGrandis.  They must will to choose forgiveness.   A man does not think and act as a woman desires unless love and the Holy Spirit act within him.  The lack of understanding on both parts is the main problem.  There is love between them.  When there is prayer between them that will be joy between them. 

Pray for the needy.  Prayer and fasting opens the heart to receive God’s grace.  Pray as a team.  Join the prayers in like mind and ask of God your favors.  Your petitions permit Him to send His grace to the needy who have refused His healing love.

            The blind do not lead the blind, the recovered do.  It is the arms of compassion who reach out to help the needy; the arms of those who were needy themselves until by the grace of God and the help of others they have been set free.

In John’s Gospel chapter 6, the ‘needy’ got in boats and went to Capernaum looking for Jesus after he fed the 5,000.  Jesus said that they looked for him not for the signs but the food.  How do we ‘entice’ people to seek Jesus when they are needy?  When needs are the focus?  I have seen some who are so overwhelmed all they can see is the problem, the need.  Certainly when in need it is difficult to grasp that the answer is through prayer and grace, when anxiety causes the mind to go to and fro between the past and the future. 

I just saw a woman wearing a t-shirt at daily Mass that said “Keep Calm and Say a Hail Mary”.  She let me take her picture.   Later that day I was able to forward the picture to someone who texted me for prayer for calmness as they headed to a job interview.   Later I got the report that the anxiety suddenly subsided and peace arrived right before the interview.  This is the day the Lord has made.  This is why it is important, in times of calm, to exercise your faith to be strengthened and be ready for whatever may be.

            Each scripture read, each rosary prayed, each worthy Eucharist received—worthy because of the state of grace—unworthy in the state of sin or disbelief—these things scripture, rosary, Eucharist strengthen the heart so that when stress enters the door it can be swept out more easily, and peace restored to the home, the heart.

            When stress attacks the weak, the needy, it takes the intercession of others to bring the light of dawn into the situation.  There are many intercessors in the Church.  You are called to intercess or pray for others.  The Church ‘Militant’, here on earth, takes up the daily challenge to pray for their brothers and sisters.  The Church ‘Glorious’, the Triumphant, bring the prayers of intercession from heaven; this Communion of Saints can be called upon for every need.  The Blessed Mother Mary is in constant intercession for her children, the Church.  And God, himself, through the saving acts of Jesus—especially the Eucharist and sacraments—and through the Advocate the Holy Spirit, constantly supplies grace to us.  It is all there and available.  The prayers of others allows for this holy grace to penetrate.

            Alleviating the source of the stress—like Jesus did on the mountain top—alleviating hunger—can only relieve for a while.  This includes the Corporal Works of Mercy.  These are good and a way to help the needy.  But if all you do is take care of stressful needs, or help remove the root causes of the stress, the people will not come to know the Lord who brings the peace that surpasses all understanding and fills every need.

We are one body in Christ.  When one member suffers we all suffer.  And also, when one member is lifted up and set on a course of healing, ministry or developing a closer relationship with the Lord the whole body is benefited and lifted up.  This glorifies God and strengthens the Church.   When one person receives prayer by several, it would seem inefficient to the worldliness of time management but there is no constriction of time in eternity and each soul is of utmost importance in the kingdom of God.  Recall the parable of the shepherd who leaves the 99 to go after the one who is lost.  Never hesitate to set aside what you are doing in the World to minister to the needy in the supernatural.

The connection of Christians doesn’t depend on the oneness of worship style or the oneness of interpretation of the Word but it does depend on oneness in their love for each other because of the Lord.  In Christ Jesus the world has been set free from the gates of hell.  It is in Christ Jesus that we are one.  It is not up to us to decide to be one or not to be one.  There is no other way.  Yet, acceptance strengthens those who reach out to the ones in darkness.  The weak make the body weak.  The weak cannot help the needy.  The healthy endure the trials of helping the needy.  All Christians—all believers are one in Christ.  The unbelievers are the lack of unity.  As long as the believers do not love each other in Christ then we are ineffective in reaching the unbelievers. 

            Christ prayed for the needy, “That they be one” in Him—the splintering of Christians can cause weaknesses and strengths to be revealed.  When you hate or distrust each other, you destroy a part of the body—similar to a cancer that eats away healthy tissue.  When you find new ways to glory the Lord you please Him and lead some followers to Jesus.  But the evil that needs to be overcome in our time feeds on weakness in the body.  Only by strengthening in love for each other can we ward off his attacks.  Look at nature—the weak are destroyed—survival of the “fittest”.  My Word for you is that when all parts are strong, or when the parts that are strong, circle and protect the weak then the predator, evil, will weaken and “starve”.

Paul writes to the Corinth community about taking care of the needs of some in the community In 2 Cor 8:12-15 “For if the eagerness is there, it is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have; not that others should have relief while you are burdened, but that as a matter of equality your surplus at the present time should supply their needs, so that their surplus may also supply your needs, that there may be equality. As it is written: “Whoever had much did not have more, and whoever had little did not have less.”

When the fullness of the Word expounds in the lives of men there will be no ‘need’—all will offer what they have to continue the work of the Lord in this time of mankind.   We are to continue to seek the needs of the ‘needy’—the weak and the poor—this is good.  You will discover the more you give the more you shall have to give. 

But remember “neediness” is not just about finances.  Some people are needy who have plenty of money.  Several years ago my Pastor asked me on our radio show, ”What do you say to a person who is satisfied with their life, they are happy with their own accomplishments and are not interested in pursuing their faith; they may not even believe?”  My response was to ask them to whom are they grateful, or to ask them “then what would you do” leading them into discussion about death and meeting God.  I also commented that we should concentrate on the needy because they are open to grace and evangelism.  After this discussion, I took the question to prayer and the Lord told me I should ask the “satisfied”, “Have you ever wanted more?  Jesus came to give us a more abundant life, can you imagine what that could be like?”  As you recount their accomplishments, ask them: where did they get their talents, intelligence, and so on.  Most will talk about family.  Some inherit, some were instilled, some are proving themselves in “spite” of their family.

Do you see yourself as needy?  Are you satisfied with your life?  Let me share what else the Lord told me to say.

 He said, “Explain to them the family of Christ and our responsibility towards each other.  Their success and well-being is not isolated unto themselves.  As a gift from God their lives are touching others.  Ask “What is your “duty” to your fellow man?”  Ask “What is your legacy you shall leave behind?”  You do not need to speak of death and the hereafter because the satisfied individual lives in the now and does not contemplate their own mortality. 

Continue to speak of their foundation in life.  Mirror that to the foundation of the Church and show the parallel.  Again, financial blessing is used beyond your own sphere as is health.  [It touches others.]

“Ask them how would their lives change if they lost their job or if bad health entered the picture—could they sustain their independence from God—from the care of others?   The community of believers helps one another.  God helps us all.

Ask them if they have total peace during the night.  In darkness often fear attacks.  If they say “yes” you have an avenue to discuss the “Light” and “Peace” of Jesus.

“Ask them if they have anyone in their family or relationship that needs prayer.  Witness the power of God by relating healings, then offer to pray for their friends.  When this happens the major barrier is broken as they humble themselves to acknowledge the power of God and their own need of God’s mercy for another.  If the person refuses, if they totally reject prayer, then pray for them for they are near the edge of the precipice.

“You can share the story of a two year old, contented, playing at the edge of a danger, satisfied yet ignorant.  Even a posted warning sign is ignored because of inability of the child to comprehend the warning.  –In the story the danger could be many things:  a cliff, a tornado, a zoo animal.  Ask your person to name something that would be extreme danger especially to a two year old.

End your conversation by blessing the Lord for the blessings of stability and prosperity that the person has, recognizing that we are to thank God for all things, even struggles, and in doing so we find peace.  Give them the opportunity to ask you about your own faith and leave an open door for the next encounter.  Sow the seed of hope.  Give witness to your own belief and sow the see of faith.

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